Can you repeat that?

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Bakugou was scared, what could he do? He couldn't deny it anymore he was going deaf at age 16, his explosions were taking a toll on his ears. He stared at Aizawa's lips, trying to figure out what he was saying, he could make out words here and there, everything just sounded so quiet and distant since the people around him were talking but he couldn't hear them, it was pissing him off- "Bakugou!" Aizawa barked loudly at him. Bakugou squinted in annoyance "What the hell do you want!?" He asked. Aizawa crossed his arms and Bakugou heard the muffled conversations of his classmates fade away as they stopped talking. He watched his lips move but couldn't make out the words, he caught "Want" and "back" but that was it, so he stayed silent.

"Were you even listening?!" He asked louder. "No!" Bakugou barked back at him, little beads of sweat pooling at his fingertips triggered small explosions. Aizawa stared at him for a little while , looking like he was studying him. walking over to his desk he flicked his forehead "Stop being smart a**, I just assigned sparing partners, you're with Mina" he explained and went back to his desk. Bakugou rolled his eyes and rested his cheek on his palm "Better than a dumb a**"

As the day went on Bakugou continued to have to ask people to repeat themselves. Since he couldn't hear right he wasn't really able to hold a conversation, except for when he was with the boys, Kaminari and Kirishima were both naturally loud talkers and Sero was very kind and didn't mind repeating himself, never looking away when talking, making it easier for Bakugou to read his lips.

Soon it was time for english class, he was looking forward to it since Present Mic was present mic, he was a loud teacher meaning he'd be able to hear the lesson and focus. He walked into the room and sat at the desk, giving a friendly wave, well as nonhostile a wave from Bakugou could be. As he sat he started hearing conversation around him again, he tugged at his earlobes and prodded at his outer ear as if it was clogged. Mic took notice of this, he had noticed Bakugou start doing this a few months ago, he chalked it up to him just stimming. It wouldn't be the first time he had students stim in class, Iida toyed with the dangly thing on his backpack all the time and Monoma always picked at his nails and the desk when he was stressing out. But he had never seen a kid stim with their ears before.

Bakugou had started to notice something too, even since his hearing had started getting horrible he had been paying more attention to guestures, body movements and the like. Mic sure as hell used a lot of them, whenever he was talking if he got really excited about a subject he'd start flailing his hands in a weirdly organized manner. And more often than not when he was doing these gestures Koda was trying not to laugh. Bakugou hadn't put it together in his head that it was JSL, why would present mic know JSL? You can't be a hero with a handicap so bad like being deaf. Bakugou feared that if the school found out he was losing his hearing he'd be kicked from the hero course, it was only a matter of time though.

"So how was school?" Shouta asked, Hitoshi rolled his eyes "You were there for most of it" he said and poked at his zucchini. "But I wasn't" Eri whined and ate some rice. "It was pretty good I guess, got to sit with Midoria and Todoroki at lunch, they gave me some candy so that was nice, how about you? Saw the way Bakugou yelled at you today" he sneered. The teacher rolled his eyes and munched on some pork "Lately he hasn't been paying attention, talking much or anything, and it's starting to hurt his grades" he said with some annoyance.

Hizashi started to think back to the day until a question crossed his mind, his hearing started getting worse because of his quirk in middle school...maybe that's what was wrong with Bakugou? With his explosions and no protective gear over his ears, that was like going to a shooting range with no protection.... his own hand brushed against the back of his ear where his hearing aid was, it was usually obstructed by his headphones but at home he didn't wear the costume. "Hey Shou, has Bakugou asked people to repeat themselves frequently?" He asked. Shouta raised his eyebrows "Yes?" He said. "Hitoshi does he fiddle with his ears in other classes? You sit behind him" Yamada pressed. "Yeah? I guess he does do that alot, why?" He asked.

Can You repeat that? [Deaf Bakugou au] Where stories live. Discover now