Moon's Party

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February 15th, 2021, Entry 2
            I'm only a few minutes away from having to see Demetri again. I'm wearing a silk white mini dress covered with a pastel yellow cardigan. My hair brushing over my shoulders in beautiful curls. I hear the dogs barking, must mean Demetri is here.

I walked downstairs and pushed the dogs away from the door. "Hi, Demetri," I said as I opened the door, "Hey Y/n uh- you look really nice," Demetri stammered. "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." We headed outside and I locked the door then there we were, on the way to the party.

                              *At the party*
A good 15 minutes went by and we were there at Moon's place. We both walked in together and got a few stares here and there. "Hey guys glad you made it!" Moon exclaimed, "Thanks for uh, having me," I replied quietly. "Sure thing, I figured since you're new we could get to know each other. Anyways we're about to play truth or dare, you should totally join!" "Yea we'll be right there," Demetri added. And so there the living room stood. Both Demetri and I sat down on the last available couch. "So who wants to start?" Moon questioned, "I will, Demetri truth or dare?" Hawk chimed. "Uh, I'll take a risk tonight and go with dare," he said, "Demetri, pick anyone in this room and take them to the closet for let's say.. ten minutes?" "Oh, um sure," Demetri looked at me and I nodded with approval, we both got up and as we headed towards the closet there were "ooh's" and "ah's" along with giggling. I walked in and Demetri shut the door behind him and pulled down on the string that turns on the light. "Y/n we don't have to do anything, Eli only said to take someone in here for ten minutes," "N-no it's okay, I have something in mind," I stated. In that moment I wasn't thinking, I just knew he was right there right in front of me, and so I took the chance. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to me. He was looking down at me, gripping my waist. I placed my right hand on the back of his neck and stood on my tip toes, then leaned in. Our lips were smashed onto each other's, he pulled me closer and ran his hand up my back and stopped at my neck. Demetri shuffled forward, pushing me into the back wall. Ten minutes passed and yet we were still wrapped around each other. I heard giggling getting louder and louder. *Knock knock* I quickly pulled away from Demetri and placed my head on his chest letting out a soft chuckle. I walked toward the door and opened it. There stood Moon, "Well hello lovebirds, don't worry I won't tell anyone," she had whispered. I got all flustered as we went back to the living room. "Miguel, ask someone," Moon suggested. "Okay, how about Hawk? Truth or dare?" Hawk had replied with "Dare." "I dare you to fight someone here," this didn't seem safe so I had to chime in, "Guys that doesn't sound like a good idea.." "And who asked princess?" Hawk replied giving me a glare. Hawk is really infuriating, I don't see how Demetri can tolerate him. "Whatever, Y/n wanna fight me?" Hawk asked, "Dude, stop she's literally in a dress and I don't think she wants people looking at her ass while she tries to please you." Demetri quietly said, trying to protect me. "Fine, but don't think I wouldn't if you were wearing something else," Hawk said to me with a snarl. "How about Miguel then," Hawk sharply stated, stepping up to him, "I'm down but just remember who the champion is," replied Miguel. A few minutes had passed and Miguel had a bloody nose, while hawk was laying on the ground with blood gushing out from his lip. I shook my head in disbelief, people really don't listen do they? "You knew who you were fighting so don't get mad at me," Miguel told Hawk, "Yeah yeah let's just get cleaned up so we can continue," Hawk replied with a little anger in his tone. After a few hours had passed everyone had done or said something crazy and it was time to head home.

A/N: I'm going to try out a different wording format because I find that when I do this the words are so together that it may be hard to read. Hope you enjoyed this part!

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