Start from the beginning

Angelina narrowed her eyes at the nearest Slytherins as my blood boiled along with her. She reached behind her and grabbed me by the elbow like Lucy had done and starting pulling me with her to the Gryffindor table.

As we reached Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny Luna had just left them, wearing a hat that looked like a lion's head.

We'd picked up Katie Bell in the common room and went to greet the group sitting there.

"When you're ready, we're going to go straight down to the pitch, check out the conditions and change."

"Angie, dear, I think you forgot to say hello," Amelia teased her as she sat down by Ginny's side.

"Yeah, hi," Angelina rushed out. "We'll be there in a bit. Ron's just got to have some breakfast," Harry assured her.

"Makes two of us," I muttered as I glared at the back of Angelina's head. She heard me and released my arm. Angelina, Alicia and Katie headed off to the field.

Lucy joined me and I did some half braids at the top of her head while Amelia proceeded to paint Gryffindor shields on mine and Ginny's cheeks.

"You good?" Ginny asked from across the table as Amelia finished up with her painting. I smiled at her and nodded, then got myself some breakfast.

We finished our food and headed off to the stands, joining the many excited fans. Amelia and Lucy heading to the dorms to get some snacks for the game first so it was just me, Hermione and Ginny as we sat down. As I sat down between them they both leaned in towards me.

"What happened last night?" Hermione whispered urgently. "I had a nightmare," I swallowed. "Tonks was injured and... and Snuffles was killed." They both pulled their heads back at that, staring at me in shock.

"I was so worried and worked up that I had to go and see Dumbledore to check if they were OK, and he reassured me that they were both safe and very much alive. I was so scared because it felt too real."

I shook my head, trying to clear my head. "But Fred tells me I've been worked up lately. I've been stressing about classes and homework, the DA, and..." my voice went to a whisper, "The Order."

"That's actually reasonable. Stress can often affect our dreams. I'm sure Fred's right," Hermione reassured me. But she didn't look too sure herself. She was probably working out her own theory in her head.

Lucy and Amelia appeared then and took the two spare seats in front of us that we had held off for them.

Ginny nudged me and I turned to her. "So what were you and Fred doing on the couch that had you falling asleep there and him coincidently being by your side?" she raised a suggestive eyebrow at me, and I turned straight forward, feeling my cheeks heat up in the crisp, cold air. 

Lucy and Amelia chuckled in front of us, overhearing what she was saying. "You're too young to hear," I told her. Lucy let out a loud laugh at that and a horrified expression crossed Ginny's face. "Ew, gross. I don't want to know that. That's my brother you weirdo."

"You're the one that asked," I shrugged. "That curious nature of yours is gonna come with repercussions, Sweets."

This match was turning uglier by the minute. But the Slytherin fans made everything a lot worse than the players did. And curse the theme to 'Weasley is our King' because it was actually quite catchy.

My eyes followed a particular blonde flying around with his green and silver robes flying behind him as he flew around the pitch. I smiled. I didn't know Draco was their Seeker. Even if it was him, I wished him to fall off his broom. All in good fun of course.

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