We all turned around in alarm, but it was only Fred. He was glaring down at Ernie beside me. "Are you quite done here?" he asked gruffly.

"Yep, just wanted to catch up with my old friend Ernie here," I said back with a smile. His glare moved to me then.

"Good," he growled, yanking me off the bench by the arm. "Bye then, Ernie," he snarled, dragging me away with him. We passed George and the others at the Gryffindor table, all laughing at us. I rolled my eyes at Fred's caveman behaviour.

I tried to wriggle my arm free. Fred let go but tightly wrapped his arm around my shoulders, leading me away with him. I laughed at his antics.

"You know, you're cute when you're jealous, Sweet Pea," I chuckled, patting his chest.

"You are terrible at nicknames, Darling," he growled, leading me out of the Great Hall.

"Where exactly are we going?" I questioned him.

"Just somewhere a little more private so I can show you what you'd be missing out on if you flirt with the likes of Ernie again. You should know by now that I don't appreciate others flirting with my girl," he said his name in a disgusted manner. I faltered slightly at his words.

"Your - your girl?" He looked down at me then, a small smile replacing his hard expression.

"Well, just cause you're not my girlfriend yet doesn't mean you're not mine," he stated matter-of-factly. I grinned at his words. Yet. I'm glad he hasn't given up on me completely just because of my own commitment issues. I wrapped my arm around his waist as he started to head for the one-eyed witch statue.

"Lead the way, Sweet Pea."

I was sat, comforting Angelina with Alicia in the common room when Harry, Hermione and Ron entered. "No Quidditch practice," Angie said in a sorrowful tone as soon as they entered. Harry looked absolutely mortified.

"But I kept my temper!" he let out horrified. "I didn't say anything to her Angelina, I swear, I –"

"I know, I know," Angelina waved him off sadly. "She just said she needed a bit of time to consider." Her face became a scowl as she stared straight ahead.

"Consider what?" Ron barked, interrupting us. "She's given the Slytherins permission, why not us?"

I looked up at Harry then and it looked like he was having the same thought as me.

"Because now she has power over you," I explained.

"How d'you mean?" Alicia questioned.

"Now, all the Gryffindors who want a Quidditch team have to fall in line and be on their best behaviour, in hopes that she will reward you with what you desire. She's taken something from you so that you see it as a gift when she gives it back. Classic manipulation tactic."

"I'm not even going to ask where you got that sinister mind of yours," Angelina muttered, shaking her head.

I smiled to myself. Well, the deranged ex-Auror Mad-Eye Moody, of course, I thought to myself proudly.

"My life is over," Angie moaned.

"Aw... come here kitten," I opened my arms and she slumped against me for a hug. I patted her head, admiring her braid.

"You have amazing hair," I said out of the blue.

"Thanks, I grow it myself," she mumbled against my thigh where her face was currently buried, her voice monotone with a slight hint of sarcasm. I chuckled at her depressed state.

The Lost Witch | Fred Weasleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें