24 | Submarine warmth

Comenzar desde el principio

After Avdol's remark, I turned my head slightly back to look at Jotaro.

A submarine must be epsecially interesting to Jotaro since he was interested into marine and marine life. Being on board would be a very interesting experience for all of us though.

"Cheer up already, Polnareff. We will have breakfast and continue our journey together again."
Joseph smiled brightly, turning around to place his hand on Polnareff's shoulder.
"I guess so.."

I looked down at the table while the others continued talking.

Kakyoin's chuckle made me lift my head up to see him looking at me with a soft smile.
"You are unusually quiet."
"I'm not that talkative after a long sleep I suppose."

"Here. I made a different tea than I made for you yesterday. I hope this one tastes better."
Joseph placed a cup of reddish tea in front of me, leading me to smile at him.
"I'm sorry Mr.Joestar, I know I didn't drink up yesterday's tea, but it wasn't because I didn't like it, but because I was.. sleepy."

"Yeah, we noticed after you fell asleep. Jotaro carried you into bed so we wouldn't disturb you with our talking."
"I see."

My gaze switched to Avdol as he placed bread, sliced sausage and spread on the table.

"This sausage is called Sucuk. It's dry, spicy, fermented and eaten from the Balkans to the Middle East and Central Asia."
Avdol informed us before looking at Polnareff and Jotaro.
"Sit down you two. Eat something. Mr.Joestar and I already had breakfast before. We will go and prepare our trip to the coastal city Yanbu where our submarine is."

Joseph placed teacups on the table before he and Avdol left the kitchen. Then, Polnareff sat down next to Kakyoin and Jotaro sat down next to me.

I wasn't feeling anything like hungry, especially I wasn't craving any meat right now.

"They're kidding, right? As if we will be travelling in a submarine."
Polnareff spoke up, leading all of us to look at him.

"Well, maybe they're just joking again and we will go by ship instead."
Kakyoin replied while all of them reached out to make their breakfast.

"Karolina, don't you want to eat as well?"
Jotaro asked me as he looked at me from the corner of his eyes.
"I'll just eat a plain butter bread. I don't feel hungry at all."

"You're pale."
"I'm always pale."
"I mean you're paler than usual."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yeah, the colour of your lips are more noticeable now."
Polnareff and I talked to each other, leading me to giggle to myself.

"You're never really talkative right after waking up but you seem to behave off today. Maybe it's just my feeling."
"No, you're right. I don't feel so good yet, but maybe it's just the after effect of me sleeping for so long."

"Or maybe.. is it the time of the month?"
Polnareff muttered, leading me to lift my head up and look at him.
"At the table? Really?"

"That could explain your unusual behaviour. And paleness! Don't you need any pads or something like that? Do you have any cramps?"
"No. I'm already late. My body probably skipped it because I'm stressed. Happens, so it's no big deal."

"No big deal? I can imagine it's not healthy."
Jotaro remarked while I spread butter over my bread.
"It isn't, probably. But what can I do about it? My stubborn parents sent me to Japan and now I'm fighting Stand users with my friends across Asia. Surely it stresses me out. I'm scared I'll fail this A-levels and I don't want to waste my time. I want to become a doctor after all. It's hard for women."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora