She wasn't sure when this attraction began to make an appearance. She supposed she's always had a slight crush on him ever since she was younger. But more recently it has turned into more than a crush. Her feelings toward him are far more intense than a silly crush.

Her feelings for him are so intense that it's almost alarming. She didn't know why she was feeling such a strong attraction to him. She didn't know why was practically obsessed with even his slightest touch. She didn't know why she was falling for a man who didn't want anything to do with her in a romantic sense. In her mind, she knew he saw her as a child he was the guardian of and he would never think of her as more.

"What's wrong?" Clay asked, noticing a sour expression on her face.

"Nothing," she answered. "Just thinking about the essay I need to write. I don't know how to finish the last paragraph."

"You'll figure it out, baby," he said.

Her insides erupted in a warm delight at the nickname he called her. He'd called her 'baby' since she was a child, but now that she's older, she'd been hoping he would call her that in a more romantic sense one day.

Hadley's eyes followed a woman she had seen around the castle multiple times before. She was walking toward the table she and Clay were sitting at. The woman was beautiful. Her deep brown hair and tanned skin brought out the rest of her features. Hadley could see the looks she got from the men in the room as she approached their table.

When the woman made eye contact with Hadley, instead of stopping at the table like she was originally going to do, she side-stepped and walked away. That was strange, Hadley thought. She most likely wanted to speak with Clay.

"Am I still babysitting Emery tonight?" Hadley asked.

"Yeah. They said they will be over around 6 to drop her off."

"Okay. I hope she's in a better mood today than she was last week. She was so grouchy last week." Emery was Amaryllis and Ulric's youngest child. She was two years old and very rambunctious already. Most of the time she was pleasant and happy, but the last time Hadley babysat her, she was in an extremely sour mood.

"Well, I'll be home around eight, so even if she is grouchy you won't be alone with her for very long."

"Do you have to go?" Hadley practically wined

"Yes, I promised Ace we would go hunting tonight."

"Ugh, fine. Even though you've been gone all week staying late to finish work," she said with an eye roll.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm trying to finish everything this week so I don't need to rush next week."

"I'm just teasing, Clay. I know your dad has been putting a lot on you."

"I promise next week I'll be all yours."

"Was she better for you this time? I know she was in a mood last week," Amaryllis asked when she and Ulric stopped to pick Emery up.

"She was great this week. No grumpiness to be seen!"

"I'm glad, Hadley. Thank you so much for watching her. We really appreciate it."

"It's no problem. I like watching her and you guys deserve a night out occasionally."

"We better get going, love," Ulric said, wrapping his arm around Amaryllis's waist. "Thanks again, Hadley."

Hadley closed the door after they left and turned around to view the empty house. It was 9:30 and Clay wasn't back yet, even though he said he would be back around 8. While she was upset with this, she didn't want to voice her feelings about this to him because he has spent the last 13 years with her. He was allowed to have free time apart from her, even if she would rather he spend all his time with her.

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