You're All That I Adore

Start from the beginning

Soon after Kyouka's parents arrived to take care of Eri, the both of them knew Izuku's plans and they gave them his blessings, Kyoutoku somewhat reluctantly. He was a father it was his job to intimidate anyone who gets near his daughter but seeing how happy Kyouka has been ever since she began dating the young man was enough to truly and honestly give his blessings to the young man.

As Kyouka made her way to the car, Kyoutoku pulled Izuku back.

"Good luck kid"

"Thanks Toku... Sorry for wanting it to be a private moment for the two of us."

He waved off Izuku's apology.

"Don't be, I mean my proposal with Mika was the same, just promise that you'll keep her smiling."

"Of course... Dad"

"Ah wha-"

Kyoutoku's embarrassed stuttering was cut off by Izuku laughing heartedly.

"Oh haha, she can still say no... Oh who am I kidding she'd never say no. So go and get her kid."

"Thanks... Thanks for everything."

"Don't mention it, oh and one last thing"
The man said reaching into his pocket and placing the object he pulled out in Izuku's hand.

Izuku looked at the purple guitar pick in has hand curiously and looked to Kyoutoku.

"That there is my lucky guitar pick, I met Mika when I was using it. It always bought me good luck, I think it'll bring some to you as well."

With a soft smile and a final thanks to his future father in law, Izuku took off after his soon to be fiancé ready to go through with it.

As he got into the car he saw the relaxed smile on his girlfriend's face and couldn't help to admire her natural beauty.

He didn't realise how long he was staring until the woman in question snapped her fingers in his face and looked at him in a mix of concern and confusion.

"You okay?"

"Ye-yeah, it's just- you're just so beautiful... How did I get so lucky?"
He said with the utmost honesty as Kyouka blushed deeply.

"It's because you're you... I've always admired everything you did, you were the driving force behind our class and even being bullied and abused for being quirkless you pushed forward... You were always so driven... That drive was what drove me to be better... I never ever thought I'd have a chance because I mean I'm not the most pretty girl or even feminine or anything-"

He said cutting off her rambling.

"You're beautiful okay, everything about you is beautiful so what if you're not as big in areas compared to others. I don't care about that, I care about you and every part of you. Your mind, personality, voice, singing, laughter, body everything put together makes you Kyouka Jirou, everything put together makes the woman who has my heart forevermore..."
His heartfelt confession broke down the walls that were starting to build around her and she began to sob.

Izuku placed his hand and tenderly and comfortingly caressed her cheek and wiped her tears away.

"You're beautiful, you're my beautiful stunning violet and I wouldn't change you in anyway."

At his proclamation Kyouka used her jacks to pull him into a tender loving kiss because as much as she wants to suck his face off, she wants to see what he had planned.

After a short drive in a comfortable loving silence Izuku pulled up at destination number 1, a Karaoke club but unlike others this one had a private booth where you could play your own music not just the selection they have.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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You're All That I Adore (IzuJirou Valentine's Day one shot)Where stories live. Discover now