The New Girl In Town

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"Do I have to go?!" I argued with my mom to convince her not to let me go to school. "Yes Lani . Now get your ass up and put on some clothes. "she replied apparently not wanting to argue with me no more. I breathed heavily and muttered some cuss words under my breath. I saw my mom lunge across the room at me so I moved."Young lady you are going to get your ass up and put on your clothes and go to school. And you better not have no damn attitude cause I will beat the black off of you and then call your daddy and tell him I did it."my mom yelled practically two inches away from my face. She had never talked to me like that before.I felt the tears starting to roll down my cheeks as I slowly walked to the bathroom. I felt my mom hug me from behind. "I'm sorry chica. I don't want to act like that but sometimes you just make me. I'm telling you it won't be so hard. Its just like when you went from elementary school to middle school." "I feel you mama but its not gonna be the same. When we left elementary school I still had my friends but here I won't know anyone. Why did we have to move. We were fine back in Lafayette. "I wined as I grabbed a towel to wash my face with."I know its hard honey but trust me everything will be okay. "my mom said walking away and leaving me to get ready on my own. I looked at myself in the mirror and hoped today would be fine just like my mother had promised.

I walked back to my room and put on the new outfit I had got at the mall down the street from my new house. I breathed heavily as I got dressed in hopes that it would help me calm down. I went back to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. My finished product looked great but something didn't feel right inside my pants. I pulled down my pants and saw blood right there in my panties. I screamed for my mom to come and she came running up the stairs."Honey what is it? Are you okay? " "Mama I started. I started right here,right now. Omygosh this can't be happening to me not right now."I was freaking out. I don't know why though.I already knew it was coming but I guess just seeing so much blood like that in my panties just frightened me.I looked up and noticed that my mom had left. She came back around the corner with a box of panty liners and handed me some. I opened one but realized that I had to change panties. At least it didn't mess up my new pants. After my little incident I gathered all my stuff and headed out to the car. While I waited for my mom, my friend Jabrayla, came out of her house. So far,she was the only person other than my mom that I had talked to in Dallas. She leaned against the car with me and unplugged her headphones so I could listen to music with her. My favorite song 'honeymoon avenue' was on and I couldn't help singing along. "Wow you sing really good. You should consider signing up for choir or glee club."Jabrayla said after the song went off. "Back home my mom used to sign me up for local talent shows. You should come by after school to see my trophies and watch some of the videos I have " I replied realizing that I kinda sounded like I was bragging. "I would love to. And of course we'll play with your dog. I just love Pepper

she's so cute." My mom interrupted and told us that we'd better hurry if we wanted to get to school on time. When we pulled up to the school, me and my mom went to the front office while Jabrayla ran off with a group of girls. The principal came out to greet us." Hi,you must be My'Lani. I'm Dr.Reyes. "she said with a very big smile on her face. I just smiled back at her because to be honest, I didn't know what to say. She signaled for a girl with long bronze hair to come over. "Kaliah, we have a new student and I want you to show her around and answer any questions she has."the principal told her. "Sure, I'd love too.",she turned to me "I'm Kaliah what's your name.? " "Hi I'm My'Lani but you can just call me Lani. "I said a little too eager. "Okay well lets get going."she said picking a stack of books and papers up.

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