𝟎𝟒 - 𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬

Start from the beginning

While the two girls were distracted, Bella rolled her eyes and took you by the hand, ushering you into the fray. Instead of before, when passing through the Alley meant being knocked around by shoppers, people now made an effort to avoid you as you walked hand-in-hand with the brood of Black sisters.

Bellatrix seemed to revel in it. She knew that she was noticed by everyone, even hated by some, but she loved it. Every minute of it. She soaked up the terrified glances and backhanded whispers like a sponge. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought she lived off of them.

And sometimes, you swore she did.

Knockturn Alley, as the name implied, was dark and dismal. Even if you hadn't been watching exactly where you were going, it was like you could feel the moment you left the safe sunshine of Diagon Alley. A brisk chill crept over your shoulders and made you hesitate before following Bella further down the brick-lined tunnel.

Andy and Cissy took up the rear, bickering back and forth under their breath.

"I've never been back this way," you admitted shyly. You would have said anything then to fill the hollow silence. All three of the girls giggled, making you feel even smaller than you already were. You were a mouse galavanting with cats. A lamb in the lion's den.

"I can't say that I'm surprised cousin dearest never made an effort to show you the more fun things that life has to offer," Bellatrix snorted.

Your gaze flickered to the mossy brick wall just inches away from brushing against the shoulder of your cloak. It was dripping with a coppery substance that you could only pray was run-off from last night's rain. "This is one of the fun things?"

If anyone heard your comment, they didn't acknowledge it. You figured that was probably for the best with all things considered. You were in their territory now. That fact shouldn't have unnerved you as much as it did.

Not even a full minute into the walk did the brick pathway open up into what could best be described as a courtyard. Much like Diagon Alley, shopfronts jutted out from either side of the slim stone lane that rippled under your feet like dragon scales. You assumed you were underground with everything still so dark, but it was impossible to tell with all of the slanted rooftops piling over each other above your head.

A faraway scream sounded and echoed through the mildewy space. As the girls pulled you deeper and deeper into the shadows, you passed by several shady individuals. Instead of the shoppers that you had encountered just minutes before, these people looked on with respect instead of disgust. A few even gasped and joined their hands together in wordless prayer. The Blacks were celebrities here.

Bellatrix let go of your wrist at last and your footsteps slowed to a halt. You were painted in the sickly yellow light cast out through the murky windows of a storefront. It was the largest and brightest you had passed thus far.

In the light, you could make out a slip of parchment that had been tacked onto the wall. The enchanted words shifted and swirled together under your squinted gaze, but it only took you a handful of seconds to decipher the message.



The implications of the message sent a lengthy shudder throughout your body. You would never find anything like that in Diagon Alley. In fact, nothing you had seen so far would ever be found in the vulnerable light of day. At least, not anywhere you frequented.

A brass bell jingled and pulled your attention away to where Narcissa was standing in the open doorway of the same shop. Her sisters filed in one by one, starting with Andromeda, who Bella seemed to be using as a human shield. A rusty sign swung overhead, creaking in the non-existent breeze. Borgin and Burkes.

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