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1. Most annoying person? my friends older brother. He sneaks behind us, grabs us, then uses us as workout equipment (ex bench presses us)

2. Most annoying person that isn't you? That's hard because your one or the most annoying people I know 🤪. Fr tho, probably Rebecanforgottheotherpartofhisuser. He forces his beliefs on everyone, calls people Nazis, and is racist, sexist and homophobic 

3. Dog breed? Golden retriever or a lab

4. Name? It really depends on how the dog looks lol

5. I've had 0 actually

6. I'm the best at basketball, but also really good at baseball and soccer 

7. Two super powers? Two superpowers would be telekinesis and to fly

8. Most annoying thing about being a guy? Being considered the predator gender, and the one gender  that has to be tough. I know girls constantly are looking at their weight. Guys are too, except they want to gain muscle mass and are constantly worried about how skinny they look and how they should bulk up. If I'm on a fight with a girl, and I shove her after she punched me I'll get in trouble because I'm the guy, so I'm seen as a predator. Even with no reason. Ik this was for one, but I gave two.

9. Favorite drink that's not milk? Martinellis apple juice is pretty good, but nowhere near milks level 😤

10. If the world ran out of milk I'd cry and not leave my room for years.

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