Chapter 1

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Sunshine Café

FANDOM: Haikyuu

Prompt Challenge: Coffee Shop

Summary: Shoyo owned a famous coffee shop, and while at work his friends from Volleyball visit and he's the oblivious sunshine as always.

Characters Main: Hinata Shouyo, Kanneki Ken, Kageyama Tobio,



Chapter 1

Shouyo Hinata is 12 years old when he meets Kaneki Ken, they become friends despite their age differences, six year. The white-haired man agrees to help and found a coffee shop, because his "coffee tastes amazing." Slightly surprised and willing to, Shouyo took time to read about business how to run it, and other things. So, for one whole month they spent their days after school looking at places to rent, lease or buy. Finally settling on one close to the middle school and high school, did they begin.

Ken loved to drink coffee, any type, and he liked it "black... like my soul," the white-haired man would smirk.

"Why did you decide to help me?" Shouyo asked as they painted the building, a dark orange, with a light red for the door handle and railings.

Ken smiled softly, tilting his head above to try glimpse a few stars, before letting out a deep breath and said, "because you remind me of my best friend... I haven't seen him in forever."

Ken pulled out his wallet, and their what must be Ken and his friend, though Ken had black hair, same grey eyes though. Shouyo wondered what happened to Ken's hair... or maybe he had just dyed it? But anyways they did eerily look alike. Though the unknown- best friends- name had bleached bright yellow hair, it was slightly orange, and the smile was bright like his... he could see it now.

"That was Hide, he had a really long complicated name, and liked to be called Hide, when. somethings happened... he just wanted to help me... it didn't turn out well and he died... he took the light with him, that was in me... I had to get away and try start anew where no one knew me... then I met you, and you remind me so much of Hide. Plus, you do make good coffee, that little corner stand you had was cute too"

Blushing red and smiling sadly Shouyo apologized for bringing up bad memories.

"Alright Shou-Chan, go to volleyball practice, I'll finish up here," Ken smiled and patted the boys head softly.

Nodding Shouyo raced off to where his bike lay on its side before peddling away.

Line Break

There was an upstairs that Kaneki said he would use for housing, and for security, Shouyo nodded and allowed the older teen to do what he liked. They made the dining area with 14 tables, and the wall without widows was lined with all types of books. Some Ken said he had read, and some he just bought because he wanted too. The coffee machines lined behind the counter, the glass display where stuff that had been baked would go was empty, with name tags.

"I guess the next thing is to learn the drinks we will be selling, finding a few workers, and open in a few weeks." Ken said and made the list in a sharpie. Nodding Shouyo put his hands on his hips as he looked at the wall mural that displayed the sun with some birds flying in the background.

"We forgot to buy the plates, and cups," Shouyo gasped.

"let's lock up and we can go get em from a good store," nodding, Shouyo bounced along with his older friend to the store.

They ended up buying a bunch of custom-made glass cups that said in black lettering: Sunshine Café. The paper cups were made from a company that put logo's on cups. Their café name went on it, as well as the background of the wall mural. A sun with a few black birds flying.

Sunshine Caféजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें