104 training

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2rd pov
In the grounds of the camp everyone was lined up waiting for the Commander to talk to them.

After that was all over a few of the trainees went to talk out.

Some brown haired girl was running around from the order's Commander gave her.

You just relaxed for a moment until it was time to eat.

There was this girl that stood out to you.

Her hair was blonde and she had a neutral expression on her face. She gave off some vibe around. An uneasy feeling, but also a feeling of comfort.
The time to eat came around. Eating the potato soup and loaf of bread placed together. Some conversations everywhere.

Off to bed it was. You went out early to be met by a group of girls.

One on the floor and two on there feet. The brown hair was standing crossed arms, the blonde holding a beverage, the other brown on the floor quickly eating a loaf of bread.

"If you eat that too quickly you could choke and die." You bluntly said.

Taking your advice she started slowing down.

You started going off to your cabin to get a good night rest.

You got there and the blonde girl from earlier that gave you an uneasy feeling sat on her bed reading a book.

You quickly glanced at her and went off to your side.

As your eyes start to get heavy you fell to a
deep sleep. Awaiting for the next day to arrive.

—time skip—

Awakening to start the day again.

Heading out quietly past the sleeping trainees being met with the bright morning sunlight.

Today you all were going to be testing your balance on your gear.

There were going to be more people getting out of this training if they couldn't make it.

With that week body of yours you hopped you could make it through to join the Survey Corps.

You saw a boy, Eren fall off many times as he grunts with every fall.

You were next to him perfectly balancing with no cool style, but style or not you still did well. Well at least that's what commander said.

Next up after you was the blonde girl who's named you learned was 'Annie Leonhart'.

She was very good at fighting and knew what she was doing.

Unlike you, you didn't know how to fight. The only thing you ever did in life was run away from everything. You never fought back.

You snapped yourself out of your daze. You never liked talking bad about yourself or comparing you to other people that you thought were "better" than you.

It wasn't good for you and the only thing you wanted was to become stronger.

After all that was done you all head out to the eating place. The same food was served but you figured that was how it would be like for a while.

Thanks for reading this chapter lol
More interaction will be coming later with you and Annie in the next chapter😸😸
k bye

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