2. The party (Part 1)

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Trinity's POV•

Off to Neena's house I was, YAY! Every time Neena has a party or a special occasion, I'm always the first one there, I purposely do that and come about an hour earlier.

I took my phone that was on the passenger seat and texted Neena to unlock her door because I was really close to her house and I planned on barging in. I was just like 9 houses away, not that far for humongously spaced out houses.

Neena is my BFF and think about it, you wouldn't find most teens knocking on there friends door and asking for entrance. That's why we have our handy dandy phones. Am I wrong?

I arrived at her house and parked in the driveway. I got out the car and stormed in like I owned the place. "I'm here" I shouted, and  made my way to Neena's room.

She was lying flat on her back on a queen sized, pink polka dot covered bed. She held her phone in her hands towering over her face and swiping and tapping the screen.

"Hey girly", she said and sat up but only to make her eyes grow large in amazement. She looked me up and down and opened her mouth about to say something.

"Well someone is looking very hot today" she said.

"I always look nice, don't I?" I hesitated to say because I'm not always on fleek.

"Keep telling yourself that Hun." She said in a sassy tone and picked her phone right back up to resume her tapping and swiping sensation.

I took one of her small fluffy and soft purple pillow off her bed and smacked her playfully. I sat besides her and I took out my phone and played cookie jam.

I played for about 10 minutes and Neena and I chatted about how school was about to start tomorrow and our expectations.

Neena's POV

Trinity texted me and told me to go unlock my door because she was near the house. I went down the cleaned stairs that I had to mop and unlocked the door and went back to my bedroom.

I watched some vines and laughed a little because who doesn't like to be entertained by comedy vines.

As Im scrolling and double tapping the vids, I heard a voice say "I'm here". I automatically knew that it was Trinity's voice.

She walked in on me and she was looking really pretty. We talked about school and what we expected to happen.

I'm not so hyped up about school, but lots of teachers have a thing for me and say I have potential and can become a very intelligant human being if I put my mind to it. I get straight B's and 2 or 3 A's most of the times. 

I honestly hate school but I try not to show it. Enough with that the party is going to start soon Yay!!

Trinity's POV

I looked at the time and noticed it was almost time to let the people in. I went downstairs and heard voices of people chattering outside. I took a look through the hole in the door and opened the door letting them in.

I greeted them. Neena came down stairs and welcomed them to the the party as well. Every 2 minutes someone was at the door it was kinda my job to let them in.

The place was had about 50 people already. When everyone came in it was about 140 people. Unbelievably packed! I was dancing with my friends and enjoying the fun moment. Neena's brother made an announcement.

"Attention everyone" he said on a Mic. It took about 4 seconds until everyone was looking at him and there was complete silence. "We hear by commence the Rocking  party to the pool."

"WHHOOAAH" some people shouted with excitement. He countinued talking after a few seconds. "I know you guys must have your bathing suits under your clothes. You've got 2 minutes to go to your cars and take the unnecessary clothing off" he said.

I opened the door and rushed to the side as they hurried out and took off their clothes and put them in the cars. Some people had beach balls and floatys.

Floatys??? Aren't they a little to old for that stuff I thought to myself. Shaking my head in dissatisfaction, I went upstairs to Neena's room and took off my fancy party dress.

I was wearing a 2 piece under it.  I looked into the full body mirror that was on the wall and notice my cuts on my wrist and ankles. I'm so insecure of wearing this and showing my disgraceful cuts.

I went down to the backyard to find boys flipping and doing cannon balls into the water filled with rubber toys and people.

I saw Neena get pushed in the water by one of her friends. I laughed at the way she fell in and her girly girl scream. I walked towards Neena to go laugh in her face then all of a sudden I'm swept off my tiny feet.

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