The Fearsome Warlord

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Three days in and you'd managed to clean all of the main rooms on the first floor and a room for yourself not far from the other one that seemed like it had been occupied at some point. On top of that, you'd scoured through the library and made a sizable stack of books on local history that you'd been reading through.

You'd made yourself at home at the desk, being considerate of the pile of papers you'd found on it before. They'd been moved to the side neatly, flipped over for the sake of privacy, and otherwise untouched while your one stack of books quickly turned into two. One of those you'd finished and one of those you had yet to touch.

With nothing else better to do on the island, you'd been going through the books at an impressive pace and found out quite a bit of information. That along with a bit of exploring the surrounding area has been enough for you to learn about the downfall of the island.

It had fallen into some kind of civil war with two definite sides to the conflict and without either one willing to give in to negotiations, they eventually tore themselves apart until ultimately, no one remained. All that was left behind were the remnants of war and the ape-like creatures that had picked up the human arts of combat.

Interestingly enough, you'd also learned that the creatures had picked up even more human habits than that. They'd built an entire hierarchy within their ranks built off of individual strength and abilities, like an army. The more skilled the individual, the higher their ranking.

They'd let you mingle among them though it wasn't without much unease on their part. They had yet to see what you could do and you had no intentions of showing them as it didn't seem necessary. They had gained a healthy respect for your strength even though they had yet to witness it. But what had started as unease shifted into more of a casual lack of concern. When they understood you posed no threat as long as they refrained from challenging you, they learned to relax in your presence.

Time spent around them was fleeting though, only long enough to better understand their place on the island. As far as you could tell, they were just among some of the few creatures that remained here, along with the typical small furry animals, birds, bugs, and reptiles.

Everything seemed to have its place in the densely packed forest that hugged the outer edges of the island. You actually hadn't taken the time to wander through the woods themselves yet but on one morning when you'd stepped out in bare feet, you felt the rather strong pulse of energy that it exuded. You could always feel the earth around you better with direct skin contact so it wasn't surprising that you hadn't felt it when you first came here.

Today you were actually thinking of exploring the area to give yourself a change of pace. It wasn't often that you got to check out new areas so thoroughly and you were definitely enjoying it, even if your contact with other people was nonexistent. Though today, you were debating leaving the island soon too.

If someone did still live here, you weren't sure if it would be wise to stick around long enough to meet them. You did rudely take up residence in their home after all. But a couple more days couldn't hurt. There were still a few books you wanted to get through before moving on to somewhere new. First though, you were definitely due for a good walk.

You didn't have much in the way of clothes but you did have a light jacket to throw over everything to help fight the crisp morning chill. It was twice the size you probably should've been wearing but clothes weren't exactly all that important to you, at least how they looked that is. So with that and your trusty boots on, you left the castle and made your way to the nearest portion of the tree line.

A few of the ape-like creatures watched curiously from nearby, following your every move with keen eyes but without any ill intent. Like in the past few days, they refrained from getting too close and showed no signs of aggression. You'd definitely spooked that out of them.

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