Katsuki's POV
Bakugo was in his room done from training it was one week till the UA sports festival he kept on thinking about the case Kira was doing her missing mother one of the top 100 heroes. Katsuki read manga to keep his mind off some stuff he grabbed one and read for a bit till Kira came into the room in which they had the interaction, as he felt Kira put her head on his shoulders he blushed a lot but let her 'What is she doing?' Bakugo thought to himself as he didn't know what was going on he also had a freak out thing if he liked it or not as well as having feelings for her. "Are you okay?" Kira asked him "Oh yeah I am shut up and read" he told her "Whoa calm down Bakugo" Kira said to him "it's whatever" he read the manga not paying attention to Kira, the girl kept reading the manga she soon fell asleep on Bakugo's shoulders "Tch...." Bakugo looked at her he didn't want to move around as he could wake her up. At some point Bakugo got tired and closed his eyes he soon fell asleep

Kira's POV
She fell asleep on Katsuki's shoulder the girl would slip into the dream world she was having a nightmare about the night she got attacked by the villains as she saw the dude in the suit whom was the leader. Kira woke up jumping up from her sleeping position as she was gasping for air as she looked around she was on Bakugo's bed as he was awake and got up "hey are you okay?" He asked her, Kira was still trying to catch her breath Bakugo looked at her in the eyes she looked back at him "Are you okay?" He asked her "Y-yeah just a bad dream...." Kira replied as she looked down. Katsuki hugged her "Hey it's going to be okay" he tried to comfort her Kira was getting calm and hugged Katsuki back "It's going to be okay" he said to her "Hey is it okay if I sleep here?" She asked him, Kira was blushing a lot "Oh yea of course" Bakugo said as he unwrapped his arms around her to lay down back to sleep Kira laid down as well wrapping her arms around him. Katsuki wrapped his arms around her as well they both cuddled each other till they fell asleep.

~The Next Day~

Still Kira's POV

Kira woke up in Katsuki's bed still cuddling him, she blushed but realized what happened last night especially her having the nightmare she just put her face in his chest, Katsuki woke up and saw how Kira put her face in his chest "Hey something wrong?" He asked her "No nothing is wrong" she pulled her face away from his chest to reveal her red face since she was blushing "Awww cute your blushing" Katsuki teased her a little bit "Shut up" Kira said as she got up to go to the bathroom and change into her school uniform.

Katsuki's POV
Katsuki got up and got dressed as well when Kira finished she got out of the bathroom "We don't mention what happened" Katsuki said to her "Agreed especially with me putting my face in your shirt" she said in a cold tone "Come on it was cute" Katsuki continued to tease her more "Shut it Katsuki" She was getting annoyed as she walked out. Katsuki followed behind her "Hey come on I was just joking" He said to her as he saw Kirishima and Sero he knew he was going to get tease so he just let Kira go and walk to class on her own. "Hey Bakugo aren't you and Kira getting really close or something?" He asked him "It's nothing Kirishima" He told him as he rolled his eyes "Seriously though something changed with you two especially two times since this happened the first time was the fight a couple months back and recently when she was beat up" Sero added "Plus I think you were jealous when she was talking to Kuro her friend" Kirishima also added. "Whatever you nerds think isn't true I have to go train the UA sports festival is in 3 days" He walked out of the way

Kira's POV
Kira walked to class she saw the class 1-a girls she walked to them "Hey guys" she said to them "Oh hey Kira" Jiro said to her "Oh hello" Toru said excitingly to her "So what were you guys talking about?" Kira asked them "I have a question for you Kira" Mina said to her "I just want to know" Mina added as well "Hit me" Kira told her "Do you like Bakugo? It's just a rumor going around about some stuff that happened" Mina asked as she was excited to know "No I do not" Kira tried to hide her blush from them "Are you sure cause there is a rumor that Katsuki talked to you privately at the hospital" Toru chimed in "Oh wait didn't you go to a cafe with Bakugo?" Jiro asked her "Okay I can answer those questions so about the hospital thing I don't know why he decided to declare a war on me for no reason" She told them "Well knowing Bakugo there has to be a reason" Momo said to her "I don't think theses anything that I know of" Kira said to Momo. "Oh yea the cafe thing Bakugo and I were hungry so we ate at a cafe" Kira added as they walked to the classroom. "Are you sure" Mina asked as she pouted she wanted to know what was going on "No Mina we went to a cafe thats it" She told them

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