The Entrance Exam

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Hang stood up and looked down from the top of Slusher Tower. Right in front of him a portal opened up and Andrew crawled halfway through.

"Welcome to the entrance exam, Hang. Good luck."

"You'll need it!" Sean shouted as Andrew dropped back through the other side and Sean closed the portal, leaving Hang alone on the tower roof. His first thought, after the terrifying realization of just how high up he was, was to check the roof access hatch. Locked. He tried jiggling to lock to see if it would break off, but that didn't work. Then he had another idea: What if he could melt it with his fire? He sparked a flame in his hands and carefully brought it towards the padlock on the door.

"Steady, steady..." Hang said to himself, "Just a little bit-" Unfortunately, a little bit didn't come out. Instead a huge blast of fire erupted all over the door. "AAAUUUGH! STOP! STOP!" And the fire stopped with his command. The lock had melted, but melted to the door. With no other ideas Hang sat on the edge of the roof and looked down at the campus below. It looked nice to him. Greenery and concrete seemed to balance each other out. Too bad it was such a long fall down. Then he remembered, that doesn't matter at all. He looked for a good spot without a lot of flammable grass or trees and eventually found a fountain area. Perfect. It would hurt a lot, but he'd get down. he only hoped that it wouldn't count as failing the exam. He was about to jump when he spotted something right beneath him. There was a window, and it was unlocked.

He reached down and barely managed to grab the handle. He slid it to the side and repositioned himself to enter feet-first. The entrance would be a precarious one, but it wouldn't matter if he bungled it anyway. Carefully, slowly, he slipped through the room and into a very dark room. Even with the sunlight from outside, he could barely see anything. Suddenly, even that was gone as he heard something slam behind him and felt cold metal against the back of his head.

"Not another move if y'know what's good for ya, sugah," he heard a female, southern voice whisper to him.

"Who are you?" Hang asked, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"We're Limes, sugah."

"We?" As if to answer his question, he felt two more of what he now realized were shotgun barrels pressed against his head.

"Yeah, we. And we've been waitin' up here for years fer the perfect opportunity to strike. You'd make the perfect hostage fer our plan, so you'd best kneel down and keep yer mouth shut."

Hang took a few seconds to process everything, but eventually kneeled down... But immediately he turned around and lit his left hand, holding it in front of him to see his green enemies better.

"Oh no you don't, I'm not gonna give up my new home and my new friends so easily! Do whatever you want, but I'll make sure you won't be invading any time soon!" He engulfed both of his arms in fire as he stared down the Limes, when suddenly...

"Okay, that's enough! Stop!" Hang heard one of the Limes say in a familiar voice.

"...Andrew?" Hang asked. The lead Lime took her "head" off to reveal it was Andrew all along. He then removed a chip on his neck.

"Yeah, yeah," he replied to Hang, "Alright boys, voice modifiers off, not that you needed them," he told the others, who unmasked themselves to be Kyle and Corey.

Hang put out his flames in disbelief as Corey turned on the lights. "W-Was that the entrance exam? Did I pass?"

"You did very well. You showed a lot of courage there, especially when under so much pressure. Immediately surrendering your own life to save hundreds of others, that, I have to admit, was impressive," Andrew commended him.

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