Wedding Invites

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Narrator Pov

Sofie has been working for her and Tom's wedding for the past seven months, she has been needing Tom's help and support but he is either busy, she forgave him every time because he is a assassin, spy and actor, so she has to forgive him, every free time she has she spends it with her friends, family and her pets. The wedding date is only 2 weeks away and all Sofie has to do now is get the invitations out and get everyone there duties. She first went to her dad's house and she decides to vlog every thing.

Youtube Video

S: Hey guys its Sofie Baker and welcome back to my channel

S: So today I will be hand delivering my wedding invitations to my friends and family

S: Tom was unable to make it so I will be doing it

*Transition to her at Mgk's House* She in her car

S: As I know must of you might not know but Mgk is my biological father, hence why I changed my name to Baker, so what can't of daughter would I be if I didn't give my dad his invite first.

*Transition to Sofie standing infront of the door hiding the address*

S: I am so nervous

*She pulled the door, she walked in shouting for her dad*

D: What's up lil rockstar

S: I am officially inviting you to Tom's and I wedding 

D: Woah its time already 

S: I know right

*She gives him the invite, he reads it and hugs his daughter. Transition to Sofie in her car*

S: Ok guys I am at Chayton's house

S: Little bit if back ground info

S: Charli and Dixie are like my sisters even though they aren't they are to me

*Transition to her ringing the door bell*


*Charli hugged Sofie*

C: Come in

*They walk inside, Charli went to get Payton*

P: Hey Sof

S: Hey Payt

*They did there secret hand shake*

S: So I am officially inviting you guys to my wedding 

C: NO WAY!!!!!

*Charli squealed which caused both Payton and Sofie to laugh at her, the couple thanked Sofie*

*Transition to Sofie in front of Dixie's Door*


*Dixie and Sofie hugged each other*

Di: Omg come in

Sofie entered the house, they greeted each other

S: I am here to officially invite you to my wedding 

Di: No way your kidding 

S: Of course not

Dixie started crying, she hugged Sofie tight. Transition to Sofie driving to Sway House

S: So I am at the infamous Sway house, the boys there are my homies, but Bryce is my bestfriend or my big brother, and I love him so much but don't tell him I said that

Transition to Sofie walking to the door, she opened the door and walked in


The Boys except Kio: SOFIE!!!!

The Secret DamelioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora