Compromise Me: Chapter 35

Start from the beginning

“I look forward to meeting her,” Rita said.  She stood up and went to assist others in the class, and Josie helped Travis to his feet.  He wobbled and stumbled a little.

“God, I’m starving,” he said, hearing his stomach rumble.

Josie laughed again.  “Another great benefit.  I’m always hungry afterward.  Ice cream?”

“And a steak and a hamburger, and maybe some pizza.”

“Let’s not go overboard,” she said, bending down to roll up their mats.  Travis just leaned against the wall.  He couldn’t help her if he dared.  And he enjoyed the view.  Her shorts rode up high on her thighs, showcasing those great legs and butt of hers, and something else of his got hungry.

“Where are we going for ice cream?” he asked.

She smiled over her shoulder.  “Back to my place.  I stocked up and bought a whole gallon of double fudge.”

Back to her place, huh?  

“Let’s go,” he said, quickly ushering her out of the studio with their gym bags and to his truck.  Back at her apartment building, he found that he did feel great.  It was only eight-thirty that night, and they still had the second part of their date to go.  Travis pulled her into a kiss as the elevator rode up to Josie’s floor, and he kissed her walking down the corridor, and as she struggled to get her key into the lock.

Only then, he let her go, and only because she pulled away and said she had to visit the bathroom.  Travis went to look for the ice cream.  He brought the whole gallon tub and two spoons back to her living room and dropped down on her chair, waiting for her to join him.  But there must be some magical portal in a woman’s bathroom, because they all seem to stay in there for way longer than necessary.  Eventually, Josie came out, wearing a long t-shirt, a pair of feminine sweatpants and a small pleated frown on her forehead.   

“What’s wrong?” he asked her.  She blinked for a moment, chewed the corner of her lip and plopped down on the chair beside him.

“Nothing,” she said.  Then she scooped up a large spoonful of ice cream and stuck it in her mouth.  “ good.”

“When a woman says ‘nothing’, it’s always something,” he said.

She answered by shoving ice cream in his mouth and laughing when it dripped all over his chin.  “Now, lick it off,” he told her, and she leaned forward to swipe her tongue over the bottom of his lips.  

“You missed a spot,” he groaned, feeling the sticky frozen fudge still trailing down his chin.  She grinned wickedly before arching her head to lick from his Adam’s apple up to the tip of his nose.  

Okay...he kind of liked the yoga afterglow.  Not only did his body feel refreshed now, his libido supercharged higher than normal. could be the ice cream.

“My turn,” he said, sticking his finger into the tub and smearing chocolate over her mouth...and down her neck.  And before she could squeak, his tongue and lips sucked her clean.  

She moaned deep in her throat.  Travis let go of the ice cream to lean into her.  The tub fell to the floor, most likely dribbling melting ice cream all over her hardwoods.  The spoons clattered loudly as her fingers dug into his shoulders, and she arched deliciously, giving him all kinds of access to everything above the neckline of that t-shirt.  Thankfully, the shirt was so large, it drooped off one shoulder, and he explored that area of her body, too.

All too soon, he found his hands seeking flesh under that shirt, taking a tour of the softness and warmth of her belly, traveling upwards until he touched the thin fabric of her bra.  He covered his palm over one breast, feeling the hard ridge underneath, and Josie made one hell of a sexy sound as he squeezed and pushed her shirt higher.  Her back bowed and her arms slithered down, and in one smooth move, she came out of that shirt, lying there under him with only a black sports bra between his chest and hers.  She sought his mouth, kissing him with a fever, and Travis was too far gone to think about anything but getting her completely naked.  One hand shoved at the bra while the other yanked on her pants, and Josie shifted to better angle her body for further disrobing...until his fingers dove for her panties, and in a flash, Josie rolled out from under him and announced, “I need a drink.”

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