Chapter 57 Josephine's jealousy

Start from the beginning

Maci:Ohhh Kaden
Maci:I just saw about 5 of your children run outside into the woods
The principals we're in there office filing some paperwork and maci was looking through the window to look out for the kids Tiana put down some of the papers and looked at the security cameras that we're planted on the top of the trees
Tiana:Your right for once but it wasn't just ours it your DAUGHTER is there too
Maci:What?! Jesus Christ Yxette what are you doing?? Ughhh im gonna go get them how many more minutes till lunch is over?
tiana:about 15 minutes just go get them and act like nothing happen
Maci:Fine ew i hate the woods we really couldn't have rented a hole Hotel?
Tiana:Just go get them goodie locks
Maci:Hey! At least i can dye my hair
Tiana:You bitch-
Kaden:Just go

Djesire stopped running she was wiping her face they finally caught up to her
Yxette:Djesire it will be okay
Djesire:No it won't i'm never gonna be skinny no matter how hard i try!
Mercedes:Don't listen to what they said
Djesire:You don't understand i have too if my own TWIN brother thinks I'm a fatass then it true it's different coming from someone else
Unique:How long has he been saying bad stuff about you
Djesire:For awhile now...
Phoneyx:Imma kick his ass
Djesire:Phoneyx stop your just gonna make it worst for me i already have to share a hole cabin with the worst girls here.....Im always gonna be a waste of space
Royalty:Your not a waste of space djesire i know how you feel i always wanted to be a little lighter and at least a bit taller! You have no idea what its like to be called shorty all the time and lets not forget these glasses heck i always wanted to look like you like seriously your beautiful and that birth mark is hella cool
Unique:Yeah i had a phase we're i would always wanna straighten my hair because not everyone in Korea or Japan had my hair texture but thanks to Riley he helped realized that i'm not gonna look like everyone around me
Phoneyx:I always wanted to be darker even know my mom say's im just the right shade I always thought darkskins we're so pretty
Mercedes:i want my hair too be more straight like Unique but i had too fave the facts that i have curls my two moms can't handle it
Yxette:I always wanted too look like my Mom she's basically the typical blonde prefect blonde girl in movies But you see we are all different not all of us are gonna have Blue eyes Blonde hair and prefect skin or weight
Phoneyx:Your beautiful djesire don't listen to Dj or Angela angela just a hater
Djesire smiled and hugged Phoneyx
Maci:What are you girls doing here?
Yxette:Mom? How did you know we we're out here?
Maci:....No reason just all of you get out of here get back into the dinning room
Maci had her hands on Yxette shoulder while walking back Yxette has a stern look in her face while looking at her mother Maci's phone rang and she answered it
Tiana:2 kids both boy's gold and red
Maci:Fine i'll get them
She hung it up and put it in her pocket
Maci:Make sure you go inside i'll be back in a bit
Mercedes:No offense Yxette but your mom is kinda weird...
Royalty:Seriously how did she know where we we're
Yxette:Don't know....

Caesar was skipping rocks across the lake and Hiro was still on his Nintendo because they we're not hungry and they decided too just talk for awhile about there friendship
Hiro:......Im sorry that i like Unique you we're right you liked her first and i just slowly started falling for her
Caesar:Im sorry for being a ass for the past 3 months your one of my best friends we can't let a girl get in between us
Hiro:I know......Tell me what do you like about Unique
Caesar:She's Beautiful she's cute she's pretty
Hiro:(So all he cares about is looks i see)
Caesar:What about you?
Hiro:She's nice she caring she's a music lover like me and unlike you and Huey she actually Listens too the music i send to her
Caesar:Not my fault your music is long
Hiro:The thing always 1 to 2 minutes long stop being dramatic
Caesar:ANYWAY i have a bad feeling about Jo
Hiro:We all do except for Royalty and Nofeair
Caesar:what is wrong with them
Hiro:I mean i get it they all be friends since there we're toddlers but the girl called you nothing like what the fuck?
Hiro:hand me that bag
Caesar Tossed him his Navy blue bag and hiro took out some pills
Caesar:You still take those?
Hiro:Just until im 18 then i can just get a doctor shot every 7 months and get over it with
Caesar:Whats that drug called again?
Hiro:drug 8193
Caesar:Sounds like a Alien drug maybe your a Alien  😱 let me check
Caesar threw pebble at Hiro He caught it and threw it back at him
Hiro:Im not a Alien dummy and stop being dramatic its just a pebble
Caesar:Yo brain is a pebble
Hiro:it least i got all A's
Caesar:Nigga you must have cheated
Hiro:.....Caesar do you hear that?
Caesar:Hear what?
They heard foot steps crunching the leaves on the ground Hiro got up from the tree he was laying on Caesar slowly picked up a big rock from the ground they heard the foot steps getting closer Caesar threw the rock at it

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