tide 26

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I stumbled into the great hall, leaning on fred looking around. my clothes were torn and my legs were bleeding "wheres george?" I asked, pleading

"merlin adrienne you're an idiot" fred said, laying me on a cot. I winced "fuck..." I breathed out as harry ron and Hermione walked in

"its over..." harry said quietly with no discernible emotion


It's been two years since the war ended and I had repeated my 7th year since it's hard to learn how to make a potion when you're fighting an evil wizard and trying to die. I just began working as a healer at st. mungos and the twin's joke shop was thriving. I live with the twins and Angelina now in a cute flat in London. Fred and Angelina got married a few weeks after the war since Fred and I had a death scare they didn't want to wait. Fred nearly got crushed and I had barely saved him. he got out with minor scratches and bruises, I wasn't as lucky. My legs got pretty messed up from being crushed and I was still in physical therapy and still using elbow crutches, but getting better. George and I were in less of a rush, just happy to be alive.

I just finished my shift and had apparated into the shop, looking around

"BUNNY!" I heard followed by loud footsteps. the shop was busier than ever, toys buzzing, kids running around and the whole shop was filled with laughter. everything the twins ever dreamed of.

"otter!" I said with a laugh, looking around before being picked up and thrown over his shoulder. George had changed a lot physically, he lost his ear so he grew out his hair to cover it. he also had stubble that he claimed made him look rugged and I learned not to argue with him. I changed too, having longer hair that was perpetually in two braids

"hellooo beautiful how was work?" he asked, putting me down and squishing my face

"ih wahs o-ay," I said, smiling at him

"just okay?" he asked, letting go of my face

"Yeah, still can't do too much other than things sitting down so it was a lot of paperwork" I shrugged

"how baby it will get better," he said with a big smile that was infectious

"don't we have lunch with Lee and Katie today right?" I asked with a grin

"yes we do," he said, kissing my cheek

"well come on!" I said with a laugh, tugging his sleeve. I began to make my way outside to the restaurant across the street

"bunny we can apparate," he said, putting a hand on the small of my back

"It's good practice for me" I shrugged, moving along "this is weird, isn't it? being so domestic?" I asked him

he smiled down at me "yeah I guess, we were always domestic, you and me. I think Fred being married is the weirdest part" he chuckled. I smiled at me as he opened the door to the restaurant and I walked in. spotted lee with his arm around katie, laughing

"LEE!" I said, making my way over to him quickly with a giant grin

"jesus shes happier than she was seeing me alive after the war..." George muttered.

"haha very funny george I was kinda preoccupied" I gave lee a bone crushing hug "how have you two been?" I asked as I moved to hug katie

"good good" katie said "hows PT?" she asked

"as good as it can be" I chuckled and sat across from them, George next to me. we were able to spend some time catching up before Angelina rushed into the restaurant, pointing at me and running over. I raised an eyebrow at her

"fred...set...himself on fire....he's an st. mungos he's fine, just stupid" she said, obviously having flooed from the hospital and ran across the street

"what a bloody idiot" lee muttered

"oh god..." I muttered

"domestic my ass he's still the same" george laughed

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