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Margarette let out a relief sigh as the dinner was finally over. The first thing the model did was take off her makeup, one that she liked to call as her beauty mask. One wipe, two wipes, as the cleansing balm spread on her face, flaws started to appear, one by one, texture, acne, scar,... She was no longer the flawless, stunning model she was at the airport, now, Margarette was just Margarette and nothing more.

The girl stared at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't but winced each times she looked at her skin. It got worse, despite the fact that she thrown tons of money on facial and treatment. That was something rarely people noticed, but model have the worst skin, due to the condition of their job, constant travel and heavy layer of makeup. Margarette found it ironic though, how heavy makeup destroyed her skin yet helped her look flawless.

She turned her face away from the mirror, couldn't bear to look at it any longer. She felt ugly, disgusted. She wasn't pretty anymore, Margarette thought. The young model picked up the pack of cigarettes on nightstand and walked straight to balcony.

She lighted up a cigarette, as skillful as can be. The girl took a long drag before exhaled the toxic smoke out of her lunges. Margarette was glad to be back home, back to her family. The girl however couldn't help but got a bit tired of her siblings, Alex to be specific. Not that she could do anything to that stubborn boy.

The more smoke Margarette inhaled, the more her body felt relaxed. It was a toxic habit, the ginger was awarded of that, especially for a model who always tried to live as healthy as possible.

Darkness took over her, Margarette fell deep and deeper in her thought. But the silence was quickly destroyed by the rang of her phone. "Hello?" She asked.

"Marga? It's me, Jasmine." Her manager said through the phone, Jasmine's American accent was blasting through the phone. "I just want to let you know that... you didn't get the vedette at the Valentino show. I'm sorry." She stutter.

"Oh" that was all Margarette can formed. She wasn't know what to think nor how to react. The cigarette hung on her lips, usually, it would be Lilith who told her the news as the assistant knew how to deal with her mental than Jasmine. However, it seemed that this times, the manager thought she could deal with Margarette. Huge mistake, Margarette thought.

As she thought so, she thrown her phone across the phone and the new technology slammed into the wall, screen broke into pieces. Margarette let out an agony scream. Slowly, she slumped on the floor. She was sure that all of her family had heard of her tantrum by now. She couldn't be anymore careless though.

She shook her head, tried her best to calm herself down. She was the best, this was just a challenge that life thrown at her and of course, the great Margarette can out turned it with ease, right? It was ridiculous how she tried to calm herself down, it was useless, nothing worked, except for the cigarette between her lips. It seemed that that little cancer stick was the only thing that could make her relax.

"Marga, are you okay?" A voice asked at the other side of the door, concern laced in their tone. Margarette immediately recognized that voice, it was Madeleine. The two both knew this was a stupid question, of course Margarette wasn't fine. What kind of person thrown a huge tantrum like that when they are fine? However, that didn't mean Margarette would let her sisters know that.

"Yeah, as fine as possible." Liar, she thought to herself. But the lie wasn't coming out as believe as it should, seeing as her voice was shaky at that moment. She was sure, however, that her sisters had more important business to deal with than her tantrum, she didn't need to add more to their already overloaded businesses.

She could hear the sound of Madeleine trying to get into the room, it was useless though. She had already locked up the door, a habit from years of staying at the hotel. Better be safe than be sorry.

"Open the door this instant, Marga. You do aware of the fact that I can know everything with just a snap of my finger, right?" Michelle threatened, unlike Madeleine who remained calm, the oldest triplet wasn't as patient.

"Shove off, you both! I just want to be alone." Margarette yelled. She didn't need people to tell her how to live, she had enough of that. She needed to cope with this on her own, it was her failure after all. Despite being rejected throughout the years, the ginger had never been the best one when it came to cope with her failure. She had to always be the best, be the successful one and not the rejected one. Because that only meant one thing, Margarette wasn't good enough!

Soon enough, the sound of the triplet leaving came into Margarette's ears, much to her liking or so she thought.

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