chapter one

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when ezra woke, it was dark.

it was something he'd grown used to quickly after being turned, the whole night time thing. not that it bothered him; he'd always much preferred the dark to the light anyways. it was easier to hide things in the dark.

he groaned as he rolled over to pick up his phone to check the time, huffing when he saw the dress laid on the floor besides his bed. why didn't cam ever pick her shit up? the bright light from his phone made him squint, and it took a few seconds for his deep brown eyes to adjust to the light.

three texts. five missed calls.

ezra huffed to himself, knowing exactly who those messages were from. he pushed himself up from the bed and tugged on a shirt, leaning over to pick up the glass on the desk beside his bed, cringing as he looked down into the liquid. how long had that been there? he needed some fresh blood, really, the stench of that day old blood made him want to throw up.

another text on his phone. ezra groaned again, he'd never understood why his bandmates were always on him for being "late to rehearsal" — max /knew/ what was going on, surely his friend would be able to make some excuse for him, right?

it didn't take long for him to get to the studio, since, y'know vampire speed. "sorry," ezra announced to his bandmates as he walked into the recording studio. "...migraines flaring up again." he made up as an excuse when he saw the look on kai's — his lead singer — face. they'd always had a bit of a rocky relationship, ever since they started the band in college. something told ezra that kai didn't like him, even if he couldn't read minds.

he glanced over at his friend on the drum kit after he lied, knowing that max was the only person he could ever trust with his... secret. kai, he could never tell, he'd probably just freak out and tell everyone. and his other bandmate, annika? she'd probably force him into an exorcism.

"it's always migraines, isn't it?" kai deadpanned as he was fiddling with the microphone on the other side of the studio, and ezra couldn't help but roll his eyes. he hadn't eaten in a while, and he could feel himself becoming agitated, but they had an album to record.

"i'm here now, aren't i?" he countered, picking up his guitar from where it lay resting against the amp. ezra plugged it in and strummed a few chords, turning back to his bandmates with a smile. "so what? are we going from the top?"

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