chapter 1

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Soulmates AU: a tattoo appears somewhere on your body when you turn 14 and your soulmate gets yours at 16 (and vice versa) but most people keep them hidden out of fear of who they're supposed to be with. Kumiko is one of those people who hides it and Wakatoshi isn't.

I do not own any of the haikyuu! characters ! just my OC's but enjoy !
Xxxx - Kumiko
xXxx - Wakatoshi

Xxxx June 1st, 2012

"Good morning Suzuki-san!" Akito woke Kumiko up by shaking her and jumping on her bed vigorously, wonderful to wake up to at 7:00am.

Kumiko lived with her younger sister Akito for the time being, living in a small apartment her grandma was renting just till they figured out the living situation and her grandma childproofed her house.

Kumiko groaned and rubbed her eyes, it wasn't often that her sister woke her up in the mornings but she had worked late last night and she knocked out.

"Goodmorning Akito- What's with the formal names this morning?" She rolled over to face her younger sister, confused as to where that came from. They'd always just been Akito and Kumi to one another so this was new.

"Yorushi-san taught us yesterday! She sent us an article to read and I'm testing it out.. did I do it right?" Akito looked up at her older sister and furrowed her brows.

Kumiko couldn't help but laugh, how'd she forget her sister was in school just like she was? Especially since Kumiko transferred to this school almost two months into the school year.

She shook her head with a light laugh before sitting up in bed, scooting her sister off her bed. "No Akito you used it correctly, I might have forgotten you were learning those things right about now.." She shrugged, her sister just nodding with a laugh before tugging at her arm.

"Get out of bed Kumi! I woke you up since I have a day off today, you called Obachan right?" She was so perceptive for her age, five years old and already pushing me to have my day planned out and together? She's gone absolutely nuts.

Ohshit, today's supposed to be Kumi's first day of school AND she didn't call Obachan- "better do that now before Akito is stuck here alone all day.." she muttered to herself before grabbing her phone.

Semi-Truck :)
-hii kumiko-chan, you're eating with me today right? since it's your first day at shiratorizawa?-

-2 missed calls-

Kumiko sighed, clicking her grandmother's contact and calling her up. They argued for a bit but she agreed to come get Akito so she'd have someone with her, just until Kumiko could find a nanny or something for the days Akito didn't have classes.

She waited with her little sister until her grandma arrived and waved them goodbye, rushing to get ready after that and honestly she almost forgot they needed uniforms at school. She threw on her thigh high socks and her button up shirt with her flannel type skirt and matching coat. She hated the uniforms except for the skirt and the socks, since she was tall the combo complimented her figure and frame. Luckily her shoes were just by the door and then she was on her way to catching a bus.

As she walked into school she could feel the eyes on her, everyone had already been there longer, she was fresh meat.

She stood out like a sore thumb and before she had a chance to look at her schedule someone bumped into her, causing her to let out an oof as they bumped into her.

Kumiko looked up ready to curse them out, her eyes widening a bit when she realized who it was.

"Semi! I'm sorry for not texting you back this morning- it's been an interesting one.." Kumiko spoke quickly as she rubbed the back of her neck, feeling bad that she didn't respond but also nervous since this is the first time they're meeting in person.

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