Everything you need to know about Family Court Lawyers in Lucknow

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Family court

Family courts are made to deal with disputes rising in family members such as Divorce, child custody, child support, spousal support, domestic violence. Family court is known as a court which hears matters related to domestic and familial issues. In India family law is the most emotional area of law. are the best lawyers for family issues.

The Government of India launched the Family Courts Act in 1984. Intention behind making this act was to encourage prompt settlement of disputes dealing with family affairs and matrimonial issues. As per the Family Courts Act 1984, this act has been provided for the establishment of Family Courts with a view to promote conciliation in, and secure speedy settlement of, disputes relating to marital relationship and family affairs and for matters connected there with.

What is Family Court Lawyer

Family lawyers are legal professionals who are specialize in the cases of family law. A family lawyer handles the legal issue that are related to the family. Such legal issues are child custody, divorce, child support, and guardianship etc.

The area of expertise of family court lawyer is as following

· Divorce and Financial separation

· Child custody, Adoption, Surrogacy, child abuse

· Domestic abuse

· Name changes

· Guardianship

· Emancipation and Approval of underage marriages

Family court does not need to record the oral statement of witness at length. It has the power to make its own procedure. It can receive any statement even if it is not mention under Indian Evidence act 1872.

Family court also deals with divorce case. In countries like India, Divorce is a very emotional, complicated and time-taking procedure. People have a number of questions associated with this particular topic and part of the law. Couples who are in a worse relationship and want to know about the entire procedure of divorce and can go through our website Spirals health.

Matters which are dealt in the family court are-

· Nullity of marriage

· Judicial separation

· Divorce

· Child protection

· Spousal support

· Property dispute

Pros and Cons of becoming a family Lawyer


· It is not difficult to find clients for family lawyer. Most Indian population needs family lawyer for domestic issue.

· There are many ways of career for family lawyer.

· They enjoy the satisfaction of being able to offer their services to the victim of domestic violence that includes children and old aged people.


· Job profiles of family court lawyers include a lot of stress.

· There is a lot of competition in the profession of family law.

· Most of the time, clients do not spent enough money on a family court lawyer.

·        Most of the time, clients do not spent enough money on a family court lawyer

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