My jaw dropped and he let out a laugh. "Sorry it a lot I know!" He said.

"Yes! I mean I would love too, but what do you mean?" I asked him.

"I thought it would be obvious! I want to teach you, because I was once in your position. Being scared to be near someone. Fear of touching them." He said to me.

He knew me very well. He was explaining all the things I was feeling. I was scared to be near lee, or anyone. Especially zu. She was so young and didn't deserve anything bad.

"Oh Uhh ok! Yes!" I said back to him and he smiled.

"Ok, but first I need to show you a few things." He aids and he walked towards me. He lead us to a small sitting area. We sat down a cb he took my hand.

With instinct I took them back rather fast. He looked like I had hurt him, then he was questioning if he hurt me.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes! Sorry, instinct." I mumbled. He took my hands again and I was thrown into a memory. It was Clancy's. He was strapped to a table and he was being worked on.

It was awful and as soon as I resurfaced from the memory I was crying, like it happened to me. He took my hands.

"If they know we can't be cured then-." But I was cut off.

"They won't ever stop! They are scared of us." He said to me. Wiping the tears off my face. I couldn't take this.

He saw how panicked I was and got up to open a window. The sounds of children laughing and the smell of wet leaves carried in through the window.

He came and sat back down. He took my hands and told me to trying and put a thought in his head. I tried but it was like a curtain was trying to block me. I was thrown out of his mind.

"Try harder." He said to me. and I did but I was no use. He wasn't going to just let go of his mind, and let me in. I tried for what felt like hours before he suggested we switch.

"Think of something you don't want me to see. Or anyone." He said. And I immediately thought of my powers. That night when I showed them to lee.

"Ok, I'm ready." I said. This could go south really fast, or it could go really well. I guess we will just have to see.

He threw his mind at mine and I mimicked what he said. Make it like a curtain. When I opened my eyes he was in disbelief. Crap! Did he know?

"Holy cow! How did you do that? You actually blocked me?" He said. It worked. It was the one and only thing I Truly didn't want people seeing or knowing of.

"That was amazing! That's really good that you were able to do that first try too!" He said to me. He smiled at me, and it was a genuine smile.

We worked for a few hours before I had the rest of the day to myself. I walked to the school area and watched zu for a while. Then I took a walk. I passed Liam but he didn't notice me.

I couldn't find chubs so I walked down to where they said the lake was. They had a small dock so I sat on it and put my feet in the water.

I stayed their baking in the sun for what felt like a lifetime until I heard the dinner bell. It was dinner already. Wow. I had been here for a while.

When I showed up we had some kind of soup and I couldn't find Liam. He was no where in sight. I sat with chubs and zu and her group of friends.

They all seem nice and hina was still super sassy. "Hey where is lee?" I asked chubs. H finished his food before answering and taking Liams full bowl.

"He has night guard too. He won't be in the cabin for a while. He has morning and nights. He takes naps mid day." He said. I watched him down liams bowl and I could finish mine.

I took it to a bin floating near by and walked to the cabin. Calling it an early night. Lee was the only thing that calmed me down and now I couldn't have him.

This was a big change. And I knew it was coming. Just not this fast, or soon. As soon as I got to the cabin I got into the bed and cried myself into sleep. A very deep sleep.

sorry this I short! I wasn't that into it so I just wanted to get something in!

Only You. (LIAM STEWART x OC)Where stories live. Discover now