𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 ┊͙˚. aesop carl x reader

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I need you more than I know.


It was Valentines Day at the manor. Everybody always celebrates the holidays here. After all, holidays cause both hunter and survivors to get along for the day, and no matches! Although, this Valentines Day wasn't like the others. You had eyes for someone.

Aesop Carl.

Although you must admit, you're very surprised at yourself for falling for someone who hardly ever talks. You got to know him to an extent, and really you just want to know him even more. You were Aesop's closest friend, or that's what you thought at least. You're the person he talks to you the most, and you're happy for that. You thought that you had to make the first move. There was no way that guy would ever build up such confidence to confess to someone, epically on Valentines Day. But you never even knew if he would confess in the first place. 'Does he even like me back?' You thought. That thought bothered you so much, it made you feel uneasy. So that's why you were going to make the first move. Risk it all for him, because you care about him so much.

It was dinner time. You were sitting in your room while you heard Emily shouting, "Dinner is ready everyone!" You then exited your room, leaving for dinner. You were hungry anyways and needed to get your mind off him for a moment. You then walked down the hallway, on your way to the dining room you passed by the garden. Emma then approached you.

"Y/n!" She shouted and waved at you. "Emma!" You said happily in reply. "So are you going to do it?" She asked. "Yea I am, though I'm still nervous I just don't know what to do." You said to her in response. "Y/n, you'll be totally fine! I've got your back." She said. "Thank you." You said in reply, while your eyes gazed across the flowers she planted. You then saw a pair of yellow roses.

You remembered Aesop talking about them, how much it meant to him and how they reminded him of his mother. "Hey Emma, by a chance could you get me some of those yellow roses?" You asked her. "Of course! I'd be happy to." She said while bending down towards the flower and picking some of them for you. "Here." She said while handing them into your hands. "Thanks Emma, let's hurry for dinner." She then nodded in reply while the both of you walked towards the dining room.

While you arrived you saw Aesop there. "Emma, hold these for me for a second." You spoke to her. You then made your way towards Aesop.

"Aesop, hey." You said to him. "Y/n." He said in reply. "Aesop, could you do me a favor? Meet me at me room after dinner. "Ah sure, what for may I ask?" He said politely. "Surprise." You said in reply. He just nodded back, thinking about what you had planning. You then went back to Emma and ate your dinner together with her. "Good luck Y/n!" She said while handing the roses to you. "Thanks again Emma." You said to her while rushing towards your room.

You entered your room and sat down on your bed for a moment, waiting for Aesop to arrive. You just took a moment to yourself, the tension in the air slowly filling the room. Your stomach began to twist into knots, until you heard a knock at your door. You opened it and was greeted by Aesop.

"Hey Aesop come in." You said to him while he walked through the doorframe and inside your room. "So uhm, what do you...exactly need me for?-" "Happy Valentines Day, Aesop." You handed him the yellow roses. "Y-Y/n...is this by force?..." He questioned. "No! Believe me it isn't. Aesop I...really care about you, y'know? I want our relationship to grow closer, I hope you can accept this gift." You said, looking down towards the floor in embarrassment.

Both of your faces red, Aesop looked straight at you. So lost, so confused. "Aesop whenever I hangout with you, I feel so different. I really just can't describe it. You can reject me now if you want." You still stared at the floor. "Y/n, I too feel different around you..." He said in embarrassment.

"When I met you, I gave you the cold shoulder at first, I'm really not a people person. But when I finally got to talk with you, I felt how nice it was. I listened to everything you've said, and so then I've told you things about myself as well. I must admit, when I am not around you... I can't wait to see you again. This feeling... is it called... love?..." He asked.

"Aesop," You spoke. "I love you too." "No, I'm not deserving of your love." He said. "Aesop," You then walked towards him and wrapped your arms around him. "Please, accept my love, you're very deserving of it." He melted into your touch and put his arms around you,

"I love you Y/n."

You pulled away from him, staring into his eyes.

"Happy Valentines Day, Aesop."


note: hi okay this took me so long to write for no reason also has anybody seen the valentine chocolate things for the characters bc some of them r so sad wtf?? anyways i hope the aesop simps enjoy this okay gn

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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