Ch. 20: Powers and Stalkers

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"You cannot just leave the house without telling anyone! Something bad could've happened to you," Laura gave a small lecture as I placed Lila down. There's definitely going to be more lecturing later if I don't say something. What that something is... I don't know. I wait, watching as Laura walks back to the house with Lila, leaving Clint and me behind.

"Clint... I don't think Lila left the house on her own. I think she was compelled to do it or something. She woke me up in the forest..." I fiddle with the sleeve of my sweater, preparing myself for any kind of reaction from Clint.

"Y/n, what are you saying?" Clint's tone instantly changed to a concerned one, looking me in the eyes,

"I think... I might have done it..." I'm honest about my thoughts, not knowing what to think. Clint looked back at his house, and then back at me.

"Let's go for a drive," I just nodded my head, agreeing with Clint's suggestion.


Clint told Laura that we were going for a drive and that we would be back later so I could get ready to head back to the compound.

"So how many powers have you developed over the month?" Clint keeps his eyes focused on the road, asking me the question I know Steve would when I got back.

"Gravity control, multiple manipulations, increasing and decreasing my body temperature, I can create a shield, create yellow lights and now, telepathy." I stare out the car's window, watching other cars and landscape blur by. Clint hummed, thinking about the powers I've listed,

"What are the yellow lights?" I smiled, remembering the swirls of yellow dots around the circle of trees,

"I'm not sure actually, I kind of just touched the ground and yellow lights began appearing and making swirly patterns." I gush over the experience and I can hear Clint laugh. The car goes silent, leaving us comfortable.

The greenery around us turned into tall buildings, small buildings, crowded streets, stores and shops. Clint ends up pulling into a parking lot just outside a small coffee shop. As Clint shut the engine off, I notice a black car pulling up beside us. I think nothing of it, getting out of the car, following Clint inside the cafe.

"What's creating the shield, like?" Clint turned to me, a small smile on his lips. He reminds me of Lila when she asks about my powers and if I can show her them.

"It feels like my energy is being pulled from me in an invisible state and creating a shield around anything that's around me. It kind of tires me out, but I'm managing to control it." I answer honestly, smiling to myself.

"What about multiple manipulations?" we get up to the front of the counter, Clint ordering two double-double coffees in the process of asking me his question.

"I can take two of my powers and use them at the same time. It comes in handy," the two of us stood off to the side, waiting for our order to be called.

"So, if you can increase and decrease your body temperature, does that mean you can withstand really cold places and really hot places?" Clint leans against a counter, hands shoved in his pockets,

"Probably, but I don't know. I guess we'd have to experiment and find out," shrugging my shoulders, I beat Barton to it as I snatch our coffees from the counter as his name was called. As I hand him his drink, we walk out of the small shop and begin heading for a walk. The thing I notice as we step out of the shop, are two guys. One's in a suit and the other is in casual clothes. The one in the suit looks around his mid to late forties, while the one in casual clothes looks to be in his early to mid-twenties. Strange.

"Do you plan on telling Cap about these, or are you going to keep them a secret?" Clint took a sip of his drink, slurping slightly, causing me to cringe.

"I kinda have to, don't I? I can't lie to him..." I begin getting an uneasy feeling. Everything around me begins getting louder. I stop, dropping my cup of coffee and bringing my hands up to my ears. I groan out in pain, not liking all of the whispers I'm hearing.

"What an asshole,"

"God, I just want to tell her that she looks awful today,"

"I regret getting that extra doughnut,"

"I can't tell if he's going to propose or tie his shoe,"

"Why is it so chilly?"

"What a bitch,"

"What the hell is going on with Y/n?"

"What's so special about this Y/n girl, why does the boss need her?"

Everything stops being so loud and that one thought sticks to me. 'What's so special about Y/n?'.

"Y/n? You doing okay?" I could feel Clint place his hand on my back. Coming to, I stand up with a jump, I look behind me, seeing the two guys I saw before, just outside the cafe. Wasting no time, I grab Clint's hand, causing him to drop his coffee as we set off running.

"Y/n, what's going on?!" Clint speaks against the wind,

"I don't know, but I know that we're being followed," I answer, pushing past people and moving between things. I could tell Clint looked behind him because his arm tugged on mine,

"Well, I think you're on that part, two dudes are hot on our tail," I turned my head, noticing the guys as well.

"We're going to need to split up. Go back to the car and come back to find me, I'll deal with these guys," I give an order, sounding like Steve and Tony when we're on a mission. Clint said he'd be back before letting go of my hand and parting from me. I do a sharp turn into an alleyway, quickly booting myself in the air and grabbing onto a metal railing on a brick wall.

I stare down at the ground, watching as the guys run in two minutes after I did. Close call. They look around, visibly confused. Focusing, I feel my body shiver. Knowing that I'm invisible, I suspend the guy in the causal clothes, up into the air, getting his shirt caught on something, so he hangs there, surprised. I drop down, landing behind the suit guy and becoming visible. I throw a front kick, hitting the centre of his back, sending him forwards. He quickly regains himself, charging towards me. I roll my eyes, how stupid. I make the rocks around me fly, pelting his whole body and face. As he's stunned, I do a back kick, hitting him in the chest, causing him to fall back on the ground. My chest is heaving, I can feel sweat dripping down my forehead and I can feel my body heating up. Here we go again.

"Why were you two following me?" my hands lit up, ablaze with a turning and blinding fire. The man just laughed,

"You will belong to Hydra," he spoke, windless. I want so badly to melt this guy to the pavement, but I can't let my emotions get the better of me. Taking deep, calming breaths. My hands go out and my body temp drops quickly, I turn around, not wanting to deal with this,

"Hail. Hydra." my face contorts as I hear those words. Not wanting to hold back anymore, I turn around, ice shooting from my hands as I freeze the guy to the ground with permafrost from the neck down.

"Have fun-" I stretch out the 'n' in fun, a sing-song tone to my vocals. Just as I turn back around, Clint pulls his truck in front of the alleyway, opening the passenger door.

"I'm assuming you solved that problem?" he laughed, looking past my head as I get into the car.

"Yep!" I said this very enthusiastically,

"Let's just get back, I'm gonna have to tell Steve about this." buckling up, I look straight ahead of me. Whatever is happening, it's going to suck.

𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ~ {𝐏. 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫} ~ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ