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"thank you ne-san....and im sorry..."


Katsuki was walking down a side road in the city, he walked, and walked untill his legs gave out and he lays on the ground in some of the alley ways

He layed down, eyes, looked dead, actually, he already looked dead. Katsuki satarted to feel tired and soon drifted off to sleep

His posture was kinda cute, knees lifted a little bit to his chest, hand under his right cheek, eyes closed, he looks peaceful and fragile, like if anyone touched him, he would break like a piece of glass

He slept there, alone, no food, i mean he did not need food to survive after all so whats the point


Aizawa was on his patrolling as a underground hero. He walked into every alley ways that he found to check if any crimes were committed

Soon aizawa walked on the alley that katsuki slept in. Aizawa was walking around not noticing the little demon sleeping untill he hears soft snores

Aizawa followed the noise or the soft snores and found katsuki on the filthy floor. Aizawa bent down and checked katsuki's pulse, before assuming things

Once he knew that the smaller blond is still alive, just sleeping, he shakes katsuki lightly, not wanting to hurt or startle the blond

Once he got no respond, he shakes katsuki harder but not enough to actually hurt the blond. Once he still got no answers, aizawa started to called out for katsuki

"hey kid, can you hear me?"

"hey wake up"

"kid, you cant sleep in this kind of place"

Still no respond. Aizawa thought that somethings wrong with the boy and he picked him up. Aizawa started to rush to the near hospitals for check up

"'s he? Is he okay?" aizawas asked

"it appears that this young boy was hit by a permanent quirk" the doctor said

"what kind of quirk?" aizawa asked again

"a demon quirk, the quirk was suppose to turn anyone into a demon to make a human weapon, for example, demons was suppose to attack humans except their owner. Although, this one is different, it appears that this one is completely harmless, demons was suppose to devour human flesh to gain energy and regenerate but this young boy is different, he only needs to sleep to gain energy and regenerate. for example, when if he got attacked, and got a huge scar after a fight, he will immedietly go to sleep to heal himself" the doctor explained

Aizawa was taken back a little by the explaination

"okay....but why is he wearing that bamboo thing?" aizawa asked

"i believe, one of his family putted it to secure his mouth and his jaw" the doctor said

"how long would he be sleeping?" aizawa asked again

"we dont know yet but just know, he wont die, even if someone chopped off his head, he will only regenerate, though, i still cant confirm you what weapon can kill him" the doctor answered

"alright thank you doctor, well be leaving now" aizawa thanked the doctor, and got out of the hospital carrying katsuki on his back

He decided to take katsuki ti his house for a few days untill the blond wake up.

"im home" aizawa said to his family

"HEY SHota..... Whos that?" hizashi asked pointing at katsuki

"hey papa.....whos that?" a little girl named eri asked as soon as she saw katsuki

"yo dad....uh....whos that?" a teenage boy, possibly the same age as katsuki named hitoshi asked

"i found him in the alley way sleeping, i shook his body but he didnt wake up so i brought him to the hospital, but he was just hit by a permanent quirk" aizawa said plainly

"where are his parents? He looked like the same age as mine" hitoshi said

" i dont know yet but we will ask him once he wake up" aizawa said

With that aizawa putted katsuki on the couch. He went to get blankets and pillows for katsuki but someone took his hand and cuddled it. He looked at katsuki and saw katsuki sleeping while cuddling his hand

"hes so cute!" eri squealed

"not to loud eri" hitoshi said to his sister

"oops sorry!" eri apologies

"anyways lets all go to sleep now, its already late " hizashi said to his adopted children

"right g'night pops, g'dad" hitoshi and eri said while walking to their seperate rooms

"good night" hizashi and aizawa said to them before going back to their shared room

(aizawa already gave katsuki a pillow and a blanket btw)


I hated it-
Kill me pls-



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