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'Fight fight fight. Fight like mad
Never stop fighting!' so these fighting quotes
from democrats, by Trump Shysters, rolled on.
I sighed, and with my cellphone front-pocketed,
off I drove to Tesco, tinny CNN
all but drowned by the fan in the cold car.

I turned the cellphone volume down in Tesco
car park, mask-on, shopping bag in hand...
and after a leisurely shop returned, tilted
the volume bar back up: 'Fight on
Never give up fighting. Fight like mad.'

Ludicrous! and somehow sad. They'd nothing to say
but lies and threats and this endless charade,
passing for evidence. 'Hey, we've AI here
which can pick from oppo's speeches the word "fight",
and run it on for hours - and our boss
can drink a glass of water with one hand!


Criminal Lawyers Now Take Note.

Seems plain the Dems' main pin just missed
the easy charge none could resist,
that Trump, whatever his intent
in the crowd he assembled and sent
down to the Capitol, did nothing
to stop the mess for hours, nothing;
and worse he revelled in the thing,
and increased the jeopardy in tweeting,
'praising the criminals... repeating election lies'
insulting Mike pence: 'Traitor!' came the cries;
and then that McCarthy call,
which really pins it, says it all:
dereliction of his duty and throwing fire
on fire; and that has everybody's ire.



We know, and this sticks in the craw,
Trump would've declared full Martial law,
if his fool goons, that bunch of shit,
had actually done it. Done it!

Beat Nancy's brains, hung Mike on high.
'Protect these Patriots!' that's his cry;
but he's a leaky arse and they
were loony lack and well-a-day.

Pantomime democracy
survives, in laddered tights. Sigh.
Julian Assange is still on  menu:
Freedom of Press, Biden will 'av you.


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