Chapter 2: Reunion

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"Yes, but my values aren't important at the moment. I can't keep doing this every day, Tracy. It's driving me mad. I just want to escape. So please, please... just help me."

Tracy looked at the crestfallen man before her and sighed. She loved her friend dearly and couldn't bear to see him struggling like this. They had been through thick and thin together and she knew he was reaching his limit. If she could grant him his wish then maybe he'd find some time to breathe.

At that moment, Tracy decided she would become his fairy godmother. She was going to help him find a wealthy lover - and someone he loved at that! She grasped at both of the man's hands and looked him dead in the eye.

"I will help you, Luca Balsa. You can count on me! Starting from this moment forward, I'll be your trusted fairy godmother. I'll definitely help you find your soulmate!"

He was baffled by her quick change in attitude and chuckled. It still amazed him how optimistic she was. Although he doubted she could find his soulmate, he still wanted to believe her. She had worked miracles before and he knew what she was capable of. He gave her a nod of assurance to let her know that he was grateful for her help. She beamed from ear to ear as she began to lay out her master plan.

"So first, we need to find an opportunity! Luckily for you, you're friends with a Reznik. I was recently invited to the Valden Masquerade and I believe I could bring you in as..."

Tracy trailed off for a moment as she questioned who she could refer to Luca as for the ball. Perhaps her lover? Servant? Butler? She was racking up for brain for a decent title to give Luca and he could see the gears turning in his head. He freed his hands from her grasp and flicked her forehead. She clutched her forehead tightly as she pouted.

"It's not that hard, Tracy. It's a masquerade ball - my identity will be hidden regardless~ You can just call me an 'esteemed' guest of your family No one will know who I am, so it should be easy to get away with."

Tracy blanked out for a second before nodding her head in agreement. Of course! She could've just referred to him as a guest. It's not as if they would have the authority to check his identity, anyways. She clapped her hands together as she went on to the next step.

"Okay, great! So that's settled. Now the only matter left to attend to is your attire."

"What's wrong with my attire?" He made a small frown as Tracy panicked and waved her arms.

"No no! There's nothing wrong with it but this... is a masquerade held by the Valden royal family. A majority of the guests will be from high families and be opting to outshine everyone in that ballroom. You'll stand out like a sore thumb - and not in a good way. To say the least, it's rather plain compared to what the higher nobility prefer."

Luca looked at his clothing before agreeing with Tracy. The only good clothing he had was a red tailcoat embroidered with golden threads. It had a beautiful design but it was plain in comparison to the extravagant coats and dresses that the higher nobility wore. He sighed as he tried to figure out how he'd get enough money for a proper outfit.

"Tracy, as magical as you are to me, I'm pretty sure you can't turn my drab clothing into something marvelous with a flick of your fingers."

"Oh, but I can." She had arrived in a carriage and ran back to it. Luca waited for a around three minutes before she came back holding a large satchel in her hand. She poured the contents out on the grass; twinkling golden coins fell out like a waterfall's cascade. Luca was baffled and batted Tracy's hand away before she could spill anymore.

"Tracy, dear, I am not going to force you to use your money on me of all people. Surely you could use your allowance for something more meaningful, like your proj-"

"More meaningful?! Luca Balsa, don't you dare put yourself down like that in front of me again. I'll throw you into the stable to bathe in the pigs' filth! You are my closest confidant, I'm not being forced to do anything. I want to do this for you. It's what best friends are for, right?"

She flashed him a smile as she pushed the satchel and spilled coins towards him. Luca was reluctant to accept. She had helped him financially once during the court incident. He felt guilty accepting her help once more. He didn't feel as if he deserved it, especially not when it was for something as trivial as an outfit. Maybe he could borrow from someone...



"I know what you're thinking. I won't allow you to borrow or take hand-me-downs. Take the money, I insist. If you don't then I'll... I'll never hug you again!"

Luca let out a dramatic gasp as he placed his hand over his agape mouth. He knew Tracy had no real leverage on him. As stubborn as she was, she was also too sweet to actually do anything. Luca decided he'd play along just this once. He made a note to himself to repay her back, though.

"Tracy, I didn't know you could be so cruel!"

"And I'll get even crueler if you don't take the damn satchel, you dolt!"

The man accepted defeat as he took the satchel. She crossed her arm and puffed her chest out in triumph. She had fulfilled her mission. Now for the hard part.

"So, let's get going."


"To get you an outfit, silly~! We're going to the boutique!"

Luca didn't retaliate as he was dragged away by Tracy. She had a tight grip on him and he didn't feel like fighting back. Quite frankly, he just wanted to get this over with. Who knows, maybe he really would meet his soulmate, or at least someone he could tolerate during his marriage. 

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I had this ready in advance so ooooh two chapters B)

Third chapter is in the works so I'mma probably procrastinate hard

Cinderluca (Cinderella but make it Edluca Brainrot)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin