Chapter 1

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The goods you had scavenged hard for scattered as they hit the ground with a thump.

"T-Tommy!" you managed to stutter out. "Tubbo??"

You waded deeper into the destruction. Fires raged around you, occasionally leering at you tauntingly. They couldn't be dead, right...?

Your breath hitched at the thought of your dead comrades. Tears poured from your eyes, and you had the fleeting thought that you could put out the entire fire just with your tears if you cried long enough.

With water blurring your vision, you tripped over debris, falling hard on your knees. "Fundy?" you screamed. There were no answers in the direction of your burning home.

Your only home.

A hand grasped roughly at your collar and pulled you up abruptly to your feet. You gasped, instinctively trying to escape whoever had caught you, but the unknown figure held a knife to your throat.

"Well what do we have here?" announced a voice, sending shivers down your spine. You froze as you recognized that chilling voice. It was none other than Dream, or "Nightmare" as the others called him. If he was there, then his friends George and Sapnap would be close as well.

"It's dangerous to walk through fire, honey," he whispered. "There is a thin line between bravery and stupidity."

He must be on the side of stupidity then, as he had followed you into the fire.

"Your friends are over there." He pointed towards the river that snaked around L'Manberg. You could vaguely make out blobs of color in the distance, but you could tell they were safe. Wilbur was closer to you, and you could make out his tired, worn-out features more clearly.

Why is Dream-?

You turned to face him, the blank smile etched across his ceramic mask giving you an eerie feeling. You could tell he was smirking, despite the covering over his expression. He had let go of your collar and lowered his knife, but had grasped onto your arm.

He's planning something.

"Wilbur!" Dream shouted towards the brunette in the beanie, intentionally waving with the hand holding the dagger to let him know the position you were in. "Let's do a trade!" There was a hint of laughter in his voice as if he thought causing arson on someone's home was funny.

This psychopath.

"I will let you and the rest of your friends go if you give me the girl."

What? A contract?

Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy had regrouped with Wilbur, and Wilbur quickly filled them in on the situation. "YOU BASTARD!" Fundy held Tommy back as he lunged at Dream and swore curses at him. Dream didn't seem fazed in the slightest.

"You can't possibly be considering this offer, Wilbur?" Tommy asked his leader in a bewildered tone. "Wilbur you can't!" Tubbo pleaded. Wilbur took in his scarred and beaten-up companions. He sighed.

"Tommy your shirt is on fire," he whispered. "Tubbo, you're half-dead, and so is Fundy."

"I'm not! Y/n is our best fighter, and she'd been the one keeping us alive all this time! We can't lose her now," Fundy begged. "Maybe you could negotiate with Dream to find a better alternative solution?"

Wilbur stared at his allies and his surroundings wearily. "I doubt we have anything to negotiate with."

He turned to Dream. "I'll accept your offer."

Protests erupted in their huddle, with Tommy screaming "You can't do this to us!" and Tubbo crying loudly.

The grip on your arm tightened, causing a slight squeak to slip from your mouth.

Dream turned to you, pointing his unsettling white mask at you. "Well? Will you exchange your freedom for theirs?"

You glanced at him fearfully and back at your barely-living associates who had now quieted to hear your answer.

"Y/n, it's not worth it, please don't go with him!" Tubbo cried. "We can run away together!"

Your breath paused, not quite making its way to your lungs. The suffocating smoke clouded your head and your thinking, but you still knew that you would all be caught easily even if you had run away together. That wouldn't be an option.

You inhaled slowly, coughing from the ashy air. "I accept. But you have to let them go, and you cannot have anyone follow them. They'll be allowed onto the SMP and you cannot send men to capture them or kill them."

You could tell Dream was pondering your requests. "Alright. I'll agree to all of those conditions except the one where they'll be allowed onto the SMP. I won't send people to find you, but if I or my allies spot you, we will kill you on sight."

You nodded. That was a start. You would just have to hope that Tommy and the others would take care of themselves.

"You're funny, sweetheart. No one has ever tried to negotiate with me when they're surrounded by flames." You could tell there was a twisted smile plastered across his hidden face.

"Let's go, shall we?"

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