Dropping her bike down to the grass of their front lawn, she skipped up to the front door, shoving it open without a second thought like always. She followed the sounds she heard in the kitchen to find Wanda eating in the small breakfast nook with a box of cereal and a carton of milk beside her on the table.

The bright morning sun was beaming in from the windows behind her, making her long red hair look like strings of shimmery copper. She was in her pajamas, yawning between bites and looking over the comics section of the newspaper sitting opened next to her.

Without a word, Dove grabbed a bowl and spoon for herself and plopped down across from Wanda. Pouring herself a mountain of cereal and sending a waterfall of milk over top.

"Morning," Wanda said through a mouthful of cereal.


Wanda put two and two together as they sat eating in silence for a moment. "I'm guessing your ankle is better," she said, pointing at her with her spoon.

"Much better," Dove responded, letting the silence settle for a moment before speaking. "So, I um, I did something."

"And what is that?" Wanda asked sleepily, still staring at her bowl.

"I withdrew from RCC. I called yesterday and took care of it."

Wanda's eyes widened, instantly shaking her from her daze. "I'm sorry, what? Where are you gonna go then?"

"Nowhere. You know the only reason I wanted to go to college was to get out of Roseworth and if I'm stuck here anyways, why put myself through it? I've been thinking it over and I figured I could just work and save up money to publish a book."

"Seriously?" Wanda beamed back at her from across the table.

Dove smiled, nodding her head. "Yeah, I mean there's the whole breaking it to my dad thing, but he can't hate me forever right?"

Wanda hummed in agreement as she mixed up the contents of her bowl. "Exactly. It's better to do something and ask for forgiveness, rather than ask for permission. But whatever you need, I'm always here to help," she said, feeling prouder than ever of Dove's ballsy decision.

"Thanks, Wands." Dove smiled. It was rare for her to feel supported by her family, so hearing someone tell her she wasn't facing something alone was a godsend. "It's probably going to be a rough conversation, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there." She waved her hand, brushing off her worries.

Pietro walked into the kitchen, punctuating their conversation. He did a sleepy double take when he saw the girls at the table, giving them a silent nod with his messy platinum bedhead. He shuffled his feet, headed straight to the coffee pot on the counter. "What are you two doing today?" he grumbled over his shoulder.

"What do you want to do today?" Wanda repeated, looking back at Dove.

Dove snorted, replying with the question that always rang painfully true to her: "what is there to do around here?" It was something most locals would ask themselves, laughing it off and then proceeding to settle for some mundane activity, like it was no big deal. But not Dove. It sucked never having anything to do in her hometown. There was the theater, the bowling alley, the diner, and the bar—which they couldn't even get into yet. Besides that, there was quite literally nothing.

"We could go see a movie," Wanda suggested unenthusiastically. It was their go-to activity, so neither of them were surprised when they ended up on their bikes making that same ride they had a hundred times before.

When they approached the ticket counter, they were quickly brushed off and pushed inside for free thanks to the fact that Dove knew the owners well, having worked there every summer since she was fifteen up until this year.

Little Wing - Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now