"Honey I'm going to need you to stay awake, okay?" A kind nurse said, she looked to be in her late twenties, though Senshi couldn't really tell. As a response, Senshi hummed, not bothering to concentrate on much more than the bumps in the road. Senshi was aware that Miruko was in the ambulance with her, looking at her with guilt and concern. Senshi didn't blame Miruko for anything that had happened, it was Senshi's fault for not being able to get out.

Though slowly, Senshi began to feel as though everything was underwater, muffled as it was. The conversations between the paramedics were no longer so loud, it was more like a background instrument in a song. Senshi knew they were doing something to her abdomen, yet she wasn't aware what had actually happened there. The pain had began to fade, only more adding to her floating, underwater feeling.

It was a sense of tranquillity.

Though it ended quickly as Senshi succumbed to her much wanted sleep, much to the dismay of the paramedics who were trying their best to keep her awake. It was safe to say that Senshi did lose a lot of blood, though keeping a metal pole in her abdomen was key because otherwise, she may bleed out.

It was only at the hospital they could actually do anything.

Of course, Senshi needed emergency surgery to remove the pole and connect the tissue that had been separated; along with the nerves and blood vessels. It was a long surgery, very specific parts needing to be re-attached, down to a microscopic level. Though thankfully no major organs were hit, but that didn't mean it wasn't serious. It took seventeen hours for everything to be re-attached plus healing (thank god for quirks), though Senshi wasn't expected to wake up right after it.

Though all Senshi can remember was the fall and being under the rubble, the rest was drugs.


Slow beeps and sunlight was what welcomed Senshi when she awoke. Senshi didn't actually open her eyes, though she knew it was day because the light was shining uncomfortably on her face. Senshi also felt an oxygen mask on her face, slightly uncomfortable, but necessary. Her limbs felt like lead, and in all honesty, Senshi just wanted to go back to sleep.

But thinking back to why she was actually here would be a good start. Senshi remembered most of the event, unimportant parts being erased from her memory. Though she couldn't help but wonder how the boy was, the one she saved that is. A squeeze of her hand brought her from her thoughts and back to reality, opening one eye was a task, it was like lifting a heavy weight you've never attempted to lift before.

The person, well more accurately people, who were sat next to her were none other than her parents. Her mother to her right, and her father to the left. With both eyes open, Senshi looked around to see herself in a basic hospital room. Clock, chairs, bed, wires etc. Senshi had a few tubes hooked up to her, which was slightly alarming. The bed sheets were a crisp white, the ceiling and walls too. Senshi was in a blue hospital gown, with a dotted pattern on it. Senshi felt that her hair was still in a ponytail, one that was falling slightly.

Her father seemed to be the person who noticed Senshi's limited activity, seeing her eyes wondering in silently. "Honey, you awake?" He asked tenderly, Senshi's mother now taking notice too.

Senshi hummed, not feeling like talking was the method of communication today.

"You know, that was pretty reckless, what you did back there." Her mother added, Senshi looking down shamefully. She knew all of that, the whole situation was reckless. "But, as I'm sure your father can agree, we're so damn proud of you."

That...... that wasn't the reaction Senshi was expecting. She knew that her mother would definitely have something to say, though that wasn't what Senshi thought it would be. Both of her parents hugged her gingerly, as to not put any pressure on her wounds. Speaking of wounds, what actually happened?

"Um, what injuries did I have?" Her voice was a whisper, she did attempt to talk, though her throat felt like sand paper, and now Senshi realised it, she was parched.

"Well-" Her father breathed out a laugh "-what injuries didn't you have?" Her mother seemed to agree with him, which was a change. It also took a while, but Senshi did notice how for once, there wasn't a tense atmosphere; it was just pure relief.

"Well, to begin with, you were struck by a tonne of concrete. Though the worst thing that happened was a pole going through your abdomen, which is all fine now. Thanks to the nurses here with healing quirks, you're fine" Natsuko, aka Senshi's mom confirmed. It all made sense now, that pain that is. Senshi nodded in acknowledgement as a nurse came in.

It was also revealed to Senshi that she was unconscious for twenty hours, which Senshi could agree, was the best sleep she'd ever had. Senshi didn't have any more injuries, though was advised to stay the night so the nurses could monitor her surgery. Her parents did have to leave eventually, which actually left Senshi with a lonely feeling.

Checking her phone -seeing as some of her belongings were given to her-, Senshi was gifted with a lot of messages from her class group chat. Most of it was regarding the fire, people asking her if she was okay, and then panicking because she didn't respond. It was weird, people in her old school never did that. Well, they never had the need to. Most people just ignored her, though this feeling was nice to say the least.

She dropped a quick message saying she was fine, then people began to calm down. Though one private message was one that caught her eye the most.

Bakugo Katsuki

Are you dead?

Well, she wasn't dead, which was certainly a relief. But what actually caused Senshi to have an unknown fluttery feeling in her heart was the concept that Bakugo would actually message her. She wasn't one of those stupid anime girls who simps for the main character, no. Senshi just knew that Bakugo wasn't  the type to message just anyone, he had to be actually worried. 

That was his job though, they were soulmates, they were going to have to learn to look out for each other. And that concept would be something that neither of them would take for granted later on in life.

Tate Senshi

No, thanks for asking.

It seemed that her response was the trigger for them to continue talking about their internships, well, mostly Bakugo poking fun at Senshi while she just answered back intelligently. Bakugo hated that so much, her intelligence. He hated that he loved it. She always was rational, and knew what to say. He was similar in a way, though he'd often lose his cool and act upon emotions. He knew he needed to improve in that area, and as for now, he'd subconsciously look up to the person he's forever bound upon.

Well, he also needed to desperately fix his hair too; but that was a minor problem compared to the weird feelings his soulmate gave him.

Hiraeth (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now