2-Hogwarts Express

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I'm so excited! Today, the summer break finally end and I take the Hogwarts Express with my friends. I board the train and look around in the compartments to find the one that my friends took. I finally find it close to the end of the train around with other 6th years mostly in Ravenclaw. 

I am the last one to arrive, as always, so I sit between the door and Meada. Meada as been my best friend since day one of first years at Hogwarts. She is in ravenclaw with me and she as always been the pretty one between us, she had long dark long wavy hair that goes down to the middle of her back. With that, dark brown eyes and a clear skin. 

In front of me was Claire, her parents were french and she was always talking about how she was bilingual and went to France every summer. She was a Ravenclaw too with blond straight hair to her shoulders with green eyes and pale skin(you could tell me she was a cousins of Draco Malfoy and I would belive you).

Next to her was Mia, a Gryffondor with brown straight hair just a little bit longer than Claire's but with curtain bang that falls around her cheek and hazelnuts eyes. 

We talked about everything and nothing, what we did this summer because even if we wrote letter to each others during summer it was more real to say it out loud and all. Obviously Claire kept saying she visited France and went to paris and ate too much macarons and all.

The train ride past so fast and we arrived to Hogwart what seemed to be 15 minutes later. We said by to Mia and told her to come to the astronomy tower after the sorting hat ceremony that seemed to last forever.

My Dear Ginny (Ginny weasley x female reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum