Chapter 2

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Once Malcolm got to the hospital with Dani, Malcolm called Gil to let him know where they were. "I think Dani drove her car to Claremont so maybe you and JT should drive there to pick up her car first before coming to the hospital," Malcolm said to Gil before hanging up the call and pacing in the hallway. After a while, Gil and JT arrived at the hospital as Dani was being brought into a room after her surgery. Malcolm sat in the chair beside Dani's bed as JT and Gil walked into her hospital room. "How is she?" JT asked Malcolm as he walked over to the other side of Dani's hospital bed. "The doctor said she'll recover," Malcolm said with a sigh as he put his face in his hands, "This is all my fault. If I was there then this wouldn't have happened." Gil stood next to Malcolm and placed his hand on Malcolm's shoulder. "You can't be blaming yourself for your father's doings. Especially when we need to focus on our case." He said and Malcolm looked up at him. "I'm gonna stay here with Dani so that someone's here when she wakes up." He said as JT walked back towards the door to leave. "Bright, we need our profiler. Dani will be fine." JT said as Gil joined him at the door. "If you need my profiling skills, you can call me. I don't want to leave Dani's side." Malcolm said and Gil nodded as he and JT left the room.

Once Malcolm was alone with Dani in her hospital room, he sat on the edge of the chair and held Dani's hand in his. "I'm so sorry I was stubborn. If I wasn't stubborn then you wouldn't have gone without me to see my father and he wouldn't have stabbed you to get back at me and to try to steal Mr. David's key card so he could escape." He sighed as he squeezed her hand gently. The last time he had held her hand, they were in the hospital because Gil had been stabbed. "I love you Dani, and I don't know what I would do if you don't make it through this." Malcolm stayed by Dani's side, waiting for her to wake up. Malcolm eventually fell asleep in the chair, he was still holding her hand, and his head was on a small part of the hospital bed beside her leg. While Malcolm was asleep, Dani finally woke up and smiled when she saw Malcolm asleep in the chair. Dani was glad to see Malcolm was there so she wasn't alone in the hospital. Even though Malcolm was asleep, which Dani was glad to see since she knew he rarely slept, he was still there with her. "I love you too Bright." She whispered as she ran her fingers through Malcolm's hair. Malcolm had woken up when Dani started running her fingers through his hair but he didn't move because he didn't want her to know he was awake, especially not after she said she loved him too while thinking he was sleeping. Malcolm eventually failed at keeping Dani from knowing he was awake when he couldn't help but chuckle when Dani's finger brushed his ear. "How long have you been awake?" Dani asked when she heard Malcolm chuckle. Malcolm sat up and moved so he was sitting on the side of Dani's hospital bed. "Long enough to hear you say that you love me too." He said with a smile as Dani gave him a playful shove. Malcolm's face suddenly went serious as he leaned his head on Dani's shoulder. "Bright, you good?" Dani asked when she noticed he became serious suddenly. "I'm going to make sure my father is in solitary confinement for a long time after what he did to you." He said as he quickly got up off the bed. Dani grabbed Malcolm's arm to keep him from leaving, "Don't go yet, please just stay with me awhile." She said and Malcolm nodded before sitting on the bed with her again. After sitting down again, Malcolm took Dani's hand in his, just like he did when they were at the hospital after Gil had been stabbed. "Your hands are still cold," Malcolm said with a laugh as he grabbed her other hand and held both of her hands between his. Dani chuckled as Malcolm tried to warm her hands in his, "Here, let me try something real quick." Dani said as she took her hands back from Malcolm before slipping them through Malcolm's open jacket and wrapping her arms around him, placing her hands on his back. "Well, that's just mean, your hands are cold and you're making my back cold," Malcolm said as Dani rested her head on Malcolm's chest, being careful so that her stab wound didn't press against Malcolm. 

JT eventually arrived at the hospital to visit Dani and found Malcolm and Dani curled up in the hospital bed, both asleep. Malcolm woke up not too long after JT got there, and sitting up slightly and trying not to wake Dani, he looked over at JT, "Hey, how's the case going?" He asked. "Damn Bright, we leave you alone with Dani and you make a move on her," JT said with a chuckle as he leaned against the wall. Dani woke up as Malcolm tried to carefully get out of the bed. "Where are you going?" Dani asked Malcolm as she sat up in the hospital bed. "I have some stuff I have to do, but JT's here now so you won't be alone while I'm gone. Besides, I'll come straight back here when I'm done." Malcolm said to Dani as he kissed her cheek before leaving the hospital room. Once Malcolm was out of the hospital room, JT looked at Dani with a raised eyebrow. "What was that about?" He asked her curiously. Dani shrugged as a nurse came in to check on her. "We may have admitted feelings for each other. Malcolm while he was waiting for me to wake after my surgery, and me when I thought he was sleeping after I woke up." She said as JT walked to the side of her bed and sat in the chair beside it. "So I have to ask, what happened?" JT asked as he leaned forward in the chair. Dani crossed her arms across her chest, "When I was starting to go in and out of consciousness from blood loss, I heard Malcolm mention key cards which I think had something to do with his father trying to escape, and he also was talking about his father trying to get back at him for ignoring his calls." Dani said with a sigh as she leaned back in the hospital bed. JT nodded slightly as he rubbed Dani's arm. Dani had always been like a little sister to JT so when Malcolm had called Gil to tell him and JT that Dani had been stabbed by Martin, JT had been really worried about her. "What do you think?" He asked and Dani looked over at JT. "Martin likes the idea of Malcolm and I together, so I really don't think he would stab me because he's upset that Malcolm is ignoring him. The fact that he has some sort of escape plan though, would give a good reason for him to stab me because his plan would have been to take Mr. David's key card as Mr. David kept him away from me when Malcolm got there." She said as she winced slightly from the pain from her stab wound. "Am I really the only one on this team who hasn't been stabbed yet?" JT asked with a chuckle. Dani rolled her eyes at JT, "No, Edrisa hasn't been stabbed yet. At least not that we know of." She said and JT laughed at her comment.

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