The doctors

200 9 1

Dear diary,
Today Me and josh went to the doctors office to find out the gender. Then we came back and had a make out session then went to the store to buy supplies for our party. Besides being a party for the baby's gender, this was also so that we could catch up with friends and family and hangout. Josh's family was coming from Georgia and then they were going to stay with us for a week or two. the party was in a week but we had to start decorating and planning.
This is who is on the list so far!
My mom , dad, rachel +BÆ ,Christopher and his family,Trent,
Teeny and family
Josh's family
#girlcode girls+ baes
Tyler Oakley
Joey graceffa
Ricky Dillion
Basically everyone on yYouTube

Notes for party:
Get food+drinks for children
Get floats for pool
Send out all the invites
Clean house
Get food

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