2. Farewell

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Chenle is graduating this year and the junior high batch students are organising a farewell party for the senior highs.

Jisung is one of the junior highs while Chenle is from the senior highs.

The party would be held in the gym of the school, starting from evening, after the graduation ceremony was done in the afternoon.

Chenle and his friends were now entering the gym, against the will of Chenle, yes did not want to attend the party but he did not want to leave his friends this soon too, so he had no choice. But thankfully, they all chose a secluded corner to stand and sit.

But to their surprise, Jisung was approaching them, or more specifically Chenle. Chenle being the curious and confused boy he is asked his friends why was Jisung approaching them? The others only shrugged in response, since they also had no idea.

When Jisung was finally right in front of Chenle, he asked, "Can I talk to you for a bit if it's okay?" making the boy totally dumbfounded.

Chenle pointed at himself and asked, "Me?" To which in return, Jisung nodded. Chenle gulped feeling nervous all so suddenly, he looked at his friends, who again shrugged in return making Chenle sigh mentally and agree to Jisung.

Then they were headed towards who knows where as Jisung instructed but the path was feeling familiar to Chenle.

They then stopped in front of a room. Chenle looked at his surroundings and then looked back at Jisung, and proceeded to ask the boy, why they were here.

Jisung opened the door to the room and entered first, motioning Chenle to enter the room also. Chenle saw no escape so he did as he was told and then they stood facing each other.

"So what I mean why are we here?"

"Since you asked a straightforward questions, I'll be to the point. It's no secret that you.. uh like me!" Jisung stopped catching Chenle off guard.

Chenle took some time to collect his thoughts and then said, "Well I can't deny!"

Jisung smiled a little, a generous smile.

Chenle then asked again, "But why are we here?"

"Well can I be your boyfriend?" Jisung went to-the-point as he said he would be.

"Haha nice joke, what do you need to talk about honestly?" Chenle laughed at Jisung's words. "The flirt of the school, wants to be a nerd's boyfriend. Boyfriend. Good joke you did there Park."

Jisung frowned at Chenle's words and spoke seriously, "I am being serious with you here."

Chenle shut himself up as Jisung said that and looked down at the ground, forming fists.

After a while he spoke, still looking down, "This is.. this can't be real, this have to some sort of dream, a fucking lie."

Jisung then stepped closer to Chenle and took the boy's now formed fists in his own hands and slowly intertwined their fingers.

"What is happening right now, is the reality Chenle hyung, I mean every single word that I've said and am still saying." Jisung spoke and paused before continuing, "I'm asking again, can I be your boyfriend?"

Chenle then looked up at Jisung, his eyes felt wet, his voice shook as he asked, "This is all real? You really..?"

Jisung nodded and smiled.

"But don't you hate me?" Chenle asked.

"Some things need to be pretended until the right time comes." Jisung stated and then he apologized, "I'm sorry I made you feel I hate you, but I do not, did not, and will not, in any way hate you, ever."

And Chenle's tears fell down his cheeks. He scrunched his face and looked down again but Jisung wiped the tears and lifted the boy's face up to look at him and then suddenly landed a quick kiss on the shorter's forehead, making themselves blush and stare at each other for a long while till they heard an announcement going off.

"I guess we should return now.. both of our friends must be waiting for us.." Jisung said and Chenle nodded, both of them unwilling to leave each other already.

But when Jisung heard his name being announced, both of them knew they had to go now or the others will start searching for them and he did not want any others to leave the party just to search for them.

Chenle then held Jisung's hands which were on his cheeks and lowered them down and spoke, "Let's go."

Jisung nodded and proceeded to walk, holding one of Chenle's hands.

When they exited the room, Jisung asked again, "I am your boyfriend right? And you are mine?"

Chenle only nodded, blushing again and looking away. Jisung smiled and let go of the shorter's hand, both of them missing each other's warmth immediately.

But both of them promised each other to meet immediately when everything was over for the night. And before they could part ways, as they were waiting for the other to take a step first to go back to their respective friends, Chenle took some courage and hugged Jisung, wrapping his arms around the boy's neck and immediately let go and ran away from the boy.

Jisung only smiled at the shy action and waited for them to reunite again after the party.


Okay this chapter is kinda long, aish 😅

Published : 12-02-2021
Words : 906

Chapter 3 tomorrow :D

✩~ and ↓


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