Soulmate Notebook

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Like most of the other girls, on her 16th birthday, Galinda's momsie and popsicle gave her a Soulmate Notebook as a gift. It was a magical notebook. You touched it to unlock the magic seal and mark it as your own. Then once a year, you could write any description on each page, and the notebook would give you the answer as Yes or No to reveal how your soulmate was.

In Oz, owing to a Soulmate Notebook was the biggest desire for any girl. Just like how people love to follow a secret map to find a huge treasure, that magic notebook was the guide to help them explore their soulmate.

So, right after the sweet sixteen birthday party was over, Galinda rushed to her princess bedroom with the gift in her hand.

She sat on her desk, put the notebook on the desk, and slowly put her palm on its cover. The notebook beamed with pink light. It was unsealed.

Galinda happily opened the first page and held her pink glitter pen.

Now, an innocent 16-years-old Galinda knew that her soulmate would be perfect. Perfect and handsome and maybe could ride a horse too. How wonderful he was! Galinda knew she didn't have to worry about his look. What she was really worried about was:


Galinda wrote the word on the first page painstakingly. The pink ink on the page was just as bright as the dress she was wearing. Then she gently put the pen back on the desk and thrilly watched the black ink slowly appear on the page.

"Not just taller than me, my dear Soulmate Notebook. I'm 4 feet 11. Anyone is taller than me. I wanna know if he is really tall. Tall and handsome and perfect. Oh~"

Galinda signed happily. She looked out the window, her eyes lost in the middle of a pink and dreamy cloud. She once again imagined her prince. Tall, handsome, sweet, perfect.

After the dreaming seconds passed by, she looked down to the page again. Under her pink word, there was a scribbled "Yes". She happily jumped on her foot.

"Yes! YES! He would be so perfect. Just like me!"

But that piece of information was only enough to content Glinda for three short days. And she had to wait a whole year to ask the next question. So, since the fourth day after her sixteen birthday, she had started to consider what she should ask next.

Good-kisser? Good dancer? Strong? Smart? Talented?

Every day, Galinda would spend a few hours to wonder about it.


After asking all of her friends, Galinda realized that most of their first word was "prince".

Of course, all of them got a negative answer. But Galinda believed that she could have everything. Because she was tried so hard to be the most perfect girl in Oz. So it was only fair that her soulmate would be just as perfect.

"Prince is it. I will ask if he is a prince."

She decided it would be her next question.

So, the morning of her seventeenth birthday, when the first ray of sunshine shone through her bedroom, Galinda immediately woke up and rushed to her desk.

The notebook on the desk beamed with the pink light. She touched it, and it was unsealed once again. She opened the first page and smiled at her word last year. Tall.

She turned to the next, held her pink glitter pen, and her face was thoughtful.

She suddenly didn't want to ask about the prince thing anymore. All of her friends got a no, which made her concerned. As much as she knew she deserves a prince for her own, she also understood she had never met any prince.

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