Even Airlia was impressed when we walked back to our dorms. "You really kicked ass in there today."

Sidetrackted I said. "Yeah I guess so."

Airlia stopped me and herself in our tracks. "You guess so? You fought better than any other Hunter in there. And I'm not just talking about the skill. You had more strength and speed than any of us." Ailria looked at me in awe as if I was God or something.

"What's wrong with you? I fought like I do every day." I said with a cold voice.

"No." She shook her head. "Not like this."

I shrugged. "Whatever I'm going to get some sleep. See you tomorrow." Just as I was about to walk through the lobby to our dorms Airlia grabbed my arm.

"Hey, do you want to have a sleep over at my dorm tonight?" She asked.

Her question caught me off guard, I had never had a sleepover in forever. Since my parents had died. And the sound of it made my mood perk up. I nodded. Airlia excitedly dragged me up the stairs and to her room. "You can borrow my Pj's. Whats mine is yours."

I smiled at the thought of that. "Why do you want to have a sleep over anyways?"

Airlia looked down at me as we stopped at her door. "Because what Zane said to you was horrible. And the look on your face made me mad. So I think you deserve some girl time. Just me, you and a load of movies."

The sound of that brightened my mood. I laughed for the first time today. "That sounds perfect."

When I woke up the next morning Ailria was gone and the sun was setting. We had watched seven movies last night, had tons of soda and popcorn as well as candy. And if there was such a thing as a sugar hangover than I had one. I walked into her bathroom to get ready for school today. She had pulled out her boarded jeans and a black lace top that showed bare skin the back.

I slipped on her clothes, surprised that they had fit me. Examining myself in the mirror I was surprised at how close I looked to being the old Blaire once again. And I didn't care what Zane said, I'll be whoever I wanted to be, and if he didn't like it, oh well.

Ailria walked in smiling as she took in the work of her outfit on my small form. "Looks amazing. I love it." I laughed and glanced back in the mirror. "It really brings out your hair." I shot her a look and she laughed. "Oh come on, that was cute." I rolled my eyes as I followed her down the hall and towards our first classes. She insisted on skipping practice today because of what happened yesterday. She said it wasn't healthy for me and mainly her to throw punches. Secretly she was afraid that I'd break her nose.

As she walked me to my first period I didn't even bother looking for Zane. All the feelings I had for him were gone now, he had hurt me and I wasn't going to be the girl that followed him around even after he hurt me.

When classes were over and Airlia called off another practice we walked back to her dorm for yet another sleepover. In her designer room we sat on the floor and talked forever about our past lives and friends. I learned that she was as popular as I was, but came originally from Britain, and moved out here when she was seven. And she found my stories fascinating as well, although I didn't know why, I didn't think of myself as being that exciting.

Right before we went to bed Airlia said quietly. "So I have to do the Hunting Assignment this weekend. And I was wondering if you wanted to be my spotter. The school will assign me a Hunter to watch at a safe distance, although I don't know who that is."

I considered this. It would be fun to see Airlia in action. And it would be an opportunity to get away from Zane. So I nodded. This made Airlia jump up and down, her brown curly hair bouncing against her shoulders. "Great! We'll leave tomorrow."

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