Returning the Favor

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A/N: Hey readers! Here's something short and sweet for you guys, a Valentine's Day special you could say. :)

A bit of background in relative specificity before we begin, in the case of there being anyone in need of it: plot-wise, this oneshot starts out and takes place prior to the conclusion of the last episode of WOY, "The End of the Galaxy", this story being an alternative version of the ending with my own little twist thrown in concerning "the reader" of the story and her adorable love interest (guess who, haha). Fluffiness and other shenanigans may or may not ensue.

So yeah. With that being said, I do hope you enjoy! Feel free to tell me what you think afterwards, if you wish <3


He could not have been happier.

His boss and best friend, who he had known for the longest time to be a villain of great potential despite having quite the impulsive and petulant nature, played a huge part in liberating the galaxy at long last. For the first time in forever, Peepers felt a certain childish giddiness he had not felt in what seemed like an eternity.

"You did it, sir!" Peepers gushed as he clutched the cloak of his superior like how a spawn of a marsupial would clutch onto its mother. "You saved the galaxy!"

The commander let go and backed away as the skeleton man gazed out onto the scene before him, a colorful array of brand new planets born from the ashes of their recently deceased predecessors. The eyeball man was about ready to burst with pride, happiness, and a bunch of other fuzzy emotions he could barely contain. The day he had never thought would arrive had indeed arrived—the day where Dominator would finally be defeated and the galaxy saved from her lava and ice ridden wrath. He still could not believe that Lord Hater of all people had it in him all along, that being the ability to go up against the seemingly indestructible green woman who had for months laid waste to the very galaxy they hoped to conquer someday, and then succeed in taking out the genocidal superpower and her warship.

In short, like all others who had witnessed such a victory, he was happy. So very happy.

"A galaxy of new planets... for me..." Hater trailed off with stars in his eyes, jaw hanging slack as he appeared to be deep in contemplation. A moment later, however, his expression changed in an instant to one of smug arrogance, and he finished with, "to conquer... starting with this one!!"

This prompted Sylvia and a good majority of the watchdogs to face-palm, the one outlier among the group being Peepers, his pride finally bursting in the form of his pupil exploding into a large, red heart. Not a minute before, he had thought this day could not have gotten better, but he realized how wrong he was. Not only did Hater exceed any expectations one might have had of him and his tendency to be incompetent before contributing a great deal to saving the galaxy, but he also showed himself to still have that same energy needed to take over the galaxy in the not-too-distant future, something that made his prouder than proud second-in-command ecstatic beyond belief.

The day was saved thanks to Lord Hater, his now fully competent superior and best friend whom he was incredibly honored to be working under, along with, well, others he did not care nearly as much about.

And (Name).

Peepers blinked a couple of times, inhaling a sharp breath as the thought of you came to mind. He almost forgot about you. Having been so caught up in the euphoric moment of the galaxy being saved, something he had never expected would ever come to pass, in such an awe-inspiring manner no less, the commander became aware of his own negligence of the woman he had become acquainted with over the past few years.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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