New assistant

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Charlotte always liked to consider herself a very strong and independent women. She didn't need to rely on anyone and she certainly didn't need a douchebag of an ex-boyfriend to tell her that she couldn't accomplish anything in her life. So she left. She packed her things and booked the the first flight that was available.

That's how she found herself in this situation now. Boxes scattered around her new apartment with her sitting on the floor in the middle of all the chaos. You see the problem wasn't that she had no space for anything. But she felt as if everything she owned was weighing her down. She wanted to move on she wanted to get a clean break from her past.

Letting out a heavy sigh she got up from the ground and walked over to the patio door. Stepping out onto the patio she took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves. She was lucky she knew that. She had found a great apartment on such short notice and in a great area. It wasn't a mansion but it it did have more than two bedrooms. It had a great view of the city and she loved that. It didn't take her long to realize how pretty the city was at night.

California was always a place that she admired. People seemed to talk about it like it was a place that people made their dreams come true. Especially Los Angles. It was certainly different from South Carolina, but now after being here for a few days she couldn't ever see her self moving back home. Sadly though leaving home meant leaving her family, and also leaving the very well paying job she had at the art museum. She certainly wasn't poor, but she needed to find a job.

This proved to be very, very difficult and very frustrating. "How the hell am I supposed to find a job when there are so many damn people in this freaking city" Charlotte threw the news paper she was previously flipping through to try and find a job. Letting out a heavy sigh she walked backed into her apartment.
Charlotte had been living in LA for about two months now and she still didn't have a job, and it was starting to drive  her crazy. She always succeeded at everything she did. But now she couldn't even find a job.

She needed to clear her head she had been stuck in her apartment for two days now and she was almost certain she was going to go crazy if she didn't get out soon.

So she found her self walking to one of her favorite cafes not far from her house. As soon as she walked into the cafe and was instantly met with the smell of fresh coffee.

"Hey Bayley" the words came out of Charlotte as huff as she sat down at the table near the cash register.

"Well good morning to you to Charlotte.... rough day?"

Charlotte just looked over at Bayley and let out a heavy sigh. "That's an understatement... try a rough year"

"Oh I'm sure it can't be that bad. I'll tell you what how about I make you a coffee and you tell me what's bothering you."

"Can I get a muffin to?" Charlotte looked to Bayley like a lost puppy

"Yes you can have a muffin to Charlotte" Charlotte watched as Bayley disappeared to the kitchen just as the door chimed.

Charlotte looked towards the door to see a girl with blue hair walk in and head straight towards the counter a lay her head on it. Now Charlotte was very confused. She knew Bayley was the manger of the caffe, and she was almost certain she had been to this caffe enough to know this girl doesn't work here. Yet she acted like she owned this place.

As Bayley walked back to the front she stopped at seeing the blue haired girl. Soon a laugh left Bayleys mouth confusing Charlotte even more.

"Well your looking just great today too aren't you Sash." At her words Sasha's head snapped up as she glared at Bayley

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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