Other Ways

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"B-BUT Y-YOU PROMISED!" Nico sobbed, tears streaming down his 15-year old face. "You told me...we-we'd be together," he said, eyes red and gleaming at the blonde boy. "Forever!"

"Nico..." The bright-blue eyed Apollo kid said. "This isn't what you think-" Nico didn't let him finish. "Oh I know exactly what it is!" He shouted, cheeks bright red and voice broken. "You should know, Will, that I have been broken far more than anyone in this camp. A sister torn away, a love-no, two!-that shattered me into unhealable pieces of glass." His eyes showed pure brokenness, a boy whose heart had turned to not stone, but diamond-like, something one may consider unbreakable, but was able to be shattered into the tiny pieces of nothingness they were right then.

"Nico, just please..." Will's voice faltered as Nico released all his tears. "Enough!" Nico yelled, trying to keep the shadows from raging the cabin. Nyssa leaned back at the wall, cowering behind Will. Will held out a brave hand to Nyssa and she held it. "Please stop, Nico." Nyssa whispered with obvious fear in her voice. Nico turned to her, sorrow replaced by anger in his eyes. "I hate you!" He yelled, just like his 10-year old self to Percy Jackson. "I will never ever forgive you," he said glaring at them both. "Nico, please listen!" Will shouted, coming a step forward. Nico growled. "Do not dare me, young man! I came here in hope to be asked for the ball tonight, and I guess I shouldn't have!" He couldn't stand it anymore. He shadow-travelled away from Camp Half-Blood to a place away from the memories, somewhere where he knew he was welcomed.

Meanwhile, at Camp Jupiter, Reyna sighed as she looked at the pile of paperwork cluttered at her desk. "Gods of Rome," she cursed, "it's only nine in the morning and there's already a hundred complaints compiled on my desk." As she began reading them one by one, a shadow appeared in front of her, gradually gaining shape and solidifying as Reyna looked up.

"Nico!" Reyna exclaimed as Nico stumbled forward, Reyna catching him before he fell. She saw the tears coming out of his eyes. On instinct, Reyna hugged him. "Hey, hey, Nico...I'm here, I'm here." She said, rubbing his back. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked as Nico buried his face on her shoulder. Though one and a half years younger, the Ghost King was a good two inches taller than the praetor. "Is it Will?" She asked. Reyna knew that Nico was gay and she accepted it. She knew too the one-year relationship between the two, but Reyna loved Nico as a brother, and she knew he needed a true friend more than anything. So when Nico sobbed into her shirt, nodding to her question, she wasn't surprised. Nico looked up and explained everything, bursting into tears occasionally making Reyna comfort him, rubbing his back.

As soon as Nico stopped explaining, Reyna whispered, "It'll be okay, Nico." And whispered-sang a lullaby Bianca sang all those years ago.

"So you run," she sang and made Nico sit next to her on her velvet couch. "Seams undone, by the love you thought you can own." Nico buried his head on her shoulder, hugging her waist. "But he's just one of the many that you might call home," While Reyna ruffled his hair, Nico brought her closer, taking in her scent. "And maybe one day the bitter will fade from your bones," Reyna kissed his forehead and sang the last part of the verse, "fade from your bones..."

"Thank you." Nico whispered, shuffling even closer. Reyna wrapped her arms around his neck and they stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the comfort and companionship they're giving each other.

Nico let go, and they both suddenly had this sense of loss inside of them, but they both shoved it away. "I must get to my work," Reyna said and stood up. Before Reyna was able to walk to her table, Nico grabbed her arm to catch Reyna's attention. The Praetor turned as Nico stood up, him looking down at her. "Um," Nico said looking down as he felt his face heat up. "Willyougowithmetothevalentinesballtonight?"

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