❤️ When You Have A Moment Of Crisis ❤️

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A/N: requested by fanfics_are_life_owo


You had a panic attack and we're freaking out. Fry noticed this, and wrapped his arms around you and pulls you into a hug.

"There, there y/n, you're safe with me...I got you..." Fry said as he cradled you in his arms.


Being kidnapped and abused by Donbot and his crew, and Bender saving you, you had frequent night terrors, leaving you punching the air. Bender, worried about you, runs to your room and wakes you up, pulling you into a hug.

"Please don't leave me Bender......."

"Hey! Shhhh.....don't worry, I won't leave you.....I'm not letting you out of my sight...I love you y/n..."

"I love you too, Bender..."

Bender then kisses your forehead with his artificial mouth.


You had found out that your grandmother had died. This had worsened your depression, and you started to cut yourself. Leela found this out, and grabbed the knife you had in your hand, and hugged you.

"Why, y/n? Why would you do this....?"

"B-Because I can't take it anymore......"

"Y/n, this isn't the way.....it never is...."

"I know....but-"

"No buts about it. I don't wanna see this again okay?"

"O-Okay, Leela...."

"Thanks y/n, I love ya..."

Leela then kisses you.


Amy's parents had never approved of you, and you would get both physically and mentally abused by them, but you never told Amy, cause you loved her so much. Until one day, she noticed the bruises on your arm.

"Y/n, dear, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah Amy, I'm good.....!"

"Then what's up with the bruises...?"

"O-Oh! N-Nothing! That's just-"

"Y/n....please don't lie to me....please....."

"Fine......y-your parents keep on.....on.....hurting me....."

"Oh dear! *Hugs you* How long was this?!?"

"For a good while.....*starts to cry*"

"Oh dear.....listen, I'll go...talk to my parents....this will never happen again....got it?"

"G-Got it......."

Y'all then went to her room and laid in her bed, cuddling each other and falling asleep during then.

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