a slug club christmas

Start from the beginning

    "I'm gonna go. Alex is waiting for me", Stass said stepping out of the room.

    "You look... beautiful", Draco said looking up and down at my dress.

    "Thank you", I said, feeling my cheeks get hot. "You look um... dapper", I said nervously. Dapper? Seriously? And why the fuck am I blushing?

    "Thanks", he chuckled nervously. "Um... Are you ready to go?", he asked holding his hand out to me. I took Draco's hand and we left for the Christmas party together.

    When we got to Slughorn's office, I immediately spotted our fathers. Lucius's long pale hair was hard to miss. They both wore their designer suits and their dress robes with gaudy detailing. Their heads immediately turned to Draco and I, making me let go of his hand. I don't want my father to read too hard into Draco and I attending the Slug Club Christmas Party together.

    "Stella, darling", my father said opening his arms and wrapping them around me. "I've missed you"

    God, the alcohol on his breath is strong. "Hi, daddy. I've missed you too"

    "You look beautiful, as always"

    "Thank you", I said pulling away from him. "Good evening, Mr. Malfoy"

    "Good evening, Stella. I see you attended the party with my son", Lucius said with a soft smile.   

    "Yes, sir"

    "Are you two-"

    "Father", Draco said cutting Lucius off. Lucius gave Draco a glare and he said, "Sorry, father. Stella and I are going to go greet Professor Slughorn", he said grabbing my hand.

    "Bye, daddy. Bye, Mr. Malfoy", I said waving to them before Draco dragged me off.

    Draco dragged me through the crowd of party goers and grabbed two glasses of champagne from the silver platter Neville Longbottom was holding. Poor kid got demoted from being a member of the Slug Club to being the help. Draco handed me my glass and we clinked our glasses together before taking our first drink. Immediately, Draco flagged down Neville to get us another glass.

    "Mr. Malfoy and Miss Blackwood", Slughorn said approaching us cheerfully. He had a drink in his hand and his face was red. Is he drunk already? "I'm glad you two are able to make it. Have you seen your fathers?"

    "Yes, sir. They're over there", Draco said pointing over to the tall men drinking scotch.

    "Thank you. You too enjoy yourselves", he said patting Draco's shoulder before walking to our fathers.

    Standing in the corner was our friend group with Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass. Sadly, Blaise and Theo lack taste and decided to take these two daft bimbos to the Christmas party. I'm honesty offended that Theo thinks Pansy is a step up from me. If he was going to take someone to a party, he should've taken someone hotter than me, which is pretty much impossible.

    When Draco and I approached they group, they all turned their heads to look at the two of us. Even Pansy and Daphne were giving Draco and I looks, Pansy especially. She's probably mad that Draco came to the party with me and not her. She can hold onto the being Draco's date to the Yule Ball as long as she wants but Pansy will never be anything more than a just a date to a stupid school dance.

    "So you two came together...", Theo said avoiding eye contact with me.


    "No", I said cutting Draco off. "We just arrived together but we didn't come together"

    "This is awkward...", Pansy taking a sip of her drink.

    "I need to get drunk", I muttered to myself and walking away from the group.

    "I'll come with you", Draco said following me. "Is Theo having a date bothering you?"

    "No, I'm not bothered"

    "Stell, your eye was twitching when you saw him with Pansy"

    "It was not twitching and I'm just disappointed that he decided to take Pansy instead of..."


    "No. I just wished that it was someone else". When we got to the bar, I saw that all they had was mead, champagne, wine, firewhisky, and scotch, nothing that will make me feel better about being Theo with someone else. "Ugh, they have drinks for old people", I groaned.

    "I have something", Draco said reaching into the pocket of his suit jacket and flashed me his silver flask. "It's vodka"

    "Good. I can't drink tequila with you", I said grabbing two glasses of lemonade. Draco started to laugh and shake his head as he poured some vodka into the lemonade. "What's funny?"

    "You", he chuckled.

    "What about me?"

    "I just think it's funny that you acted like we aren't here together when you asked me to be your date. You've also have been dodging me all week since the Astronomy Tower"

    Now, what the fuck do I say to that?

    "There you are", my father said stumbling over with Lucius. I quickly drank my vodka lemonade before my father could smell it. He doesn't mind if I drink but only if it's wine and champagne, but he thinks it's "unladylike" to drink hard liquor.

    "Here we are", I nervously chuckled.

    "Now, I know you and Theodore are done for, but I think you and Draco have a bright future together"

    "Brighter than my hair", Lucius added, making my father laugh. "Don't tell your mother about Charles and I", he said to Draco. "She told me to behave myself but I have forgotten how much of a party animal Blackwood is"

    Seeing Lucius and my father hammered is too funny, but I can't laugh.

    "We have to tell Narcissa and Juliet about the kids. They would want to plan the wedding"

    "No", Lucius whispered. "We have to plan the wedding"

    "You're right! We do!", my father laughed.

    "Okay... we're going to go now", Draco said taking my hand.

    "Have fun! We'll see you on the wedding day!", Lucius shouted as we walked away.

    "I can't believe those two are drunk at a school event", Draco laughed. "It's like I just looked into one of Trelawney's crystal balls and saw the future"

    "Yes, because were going to be hammered at our children's school events", I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

    "Our children?", he asked raising a brow.

    "No... Well... You know what I mean"

    For the rest of the night, Draco and I spent drinking vodka lemonades in the corner, dodging our drunk fathers' questions about out nonexistent relationship. I would tell my father that Draco and I aren't dating but from the looks of it, he wouldn't remember in the morning. I'll talk to him about it when I get off the Hogwarts Express tomorrow. I can't have him walking around planning my wedding with Draco when there's nothing going on between us, other than the fact that we occasionally kiss and hook up in dark unoccupied spaces.

endgame ✦ draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now