Chapter 9 - Heated Words

Start from the beginning

I grimaced. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't worry much over it, okay? It's in the past. Um... "

That blush remained on her cheeks. We knew each other well enough, so maybe I could just ask her what happened after she hauled me up the stairs. I took a couple steps closer to her and asked in a low tone, "What really happened last night? What did I do?"

Her whole face turned pink. She looked down at the carpet. "Well... I helped you to your room as you were mumblin' 'Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear'."

Of all songs I could have been singing in my drunken state, it had to be that one? When I had thoughts of holding Megan close like she was my teddy bear? Wait...

"I sang that song and you ended up bein' my teddy bear, right?" She didn't answer. "That's what happened, huh? Man..." I ran a hand down my face, annoyed with myself and feeling completely embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

She chuckled, and that startled me. "Hey, it's okay. You didn't know what you were doin'."

"Did I say anythin' to ya?"

"Just... the song lyrics, and..."


"Mr. Presley, the Colonel is here."

Mrs. Brighten came up to us, appearing from behind Megan. I nodded. "Thank you. I'll be right down."

Mrs. Brighten eyed her daughter for a moment, then went on down the hallway. "Um, anyway, you should get down there," Megan said. "Let's just drop what happened. It's not a big deal. You can think of it as us bein' even now in witnessin' somethin' embarrassin' 'bout each other. I fell asleep in your bed by accident, and I hauled ya up the stairs to your room when you were sloshed. See? Even. Now if you will excuse me..."

She turned around and started down the hallway. She was leaving something out. "Megan." She stopped, not turning around. "C'mon, tell me. What happened?" One of the obvious scenarios came to mind. "I didn't kiss ya, did I?"

She remained silent for a moment, then, "No, you didn't, but... I kissed you."

Suddenly, my pulse shot up like a rocket. "Wait, what?"

"Excuse me." She scurried down the hall and around a corner.


I followed her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Did she hide? I looked down the hall and into the empty rooms. Nothing. I stood there in the middle of the hallway, hands on my hips.

Megan stole a kiss from me while I was drunk, and because I was drunk, I couldn't remember it! "Dammit..."

"Mr. Presley?"

I turned and found Mrs. Brighten there. Her presence reminded me I needed to be downstairs. "I'll be right down."

She folded her arms, and her mouth turned into a flat line. "Mr. Presley... Elvis."

Uh-oh. She never called me by my first name before. This was serious. "What is it, ma'am?"

"I just want to say somethin'... and I apologize ahead of time for sayin' it, or maybe speakin' out of turn..."

"Go on. Speak your mind."

"Alright." She met my gaze, and I could really see the resemblance between her and Megan. Same eyes, nose, face shape and hair color. "I think you and Megan are gettin' a little too close. I'm not appreciatin' it all that much."

I shoved my hands in my black slacks pockets. "Mrs. Brighten, I can understand where you're comin' from, but I promise that there's nothin' between us other than friendship."

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