Chapter 22: Unchained Melody🎵

Start from the beginning

Jungkook then put his hands on Jimin's hands and they began gently rubbing the soapy shirt together. It reminded Jimin of one of Nana's favourite love scenes from the movie 'Ghost' where they were making the pottery together. Jungkook's fingers were massaging and sliding through Jimin's hands and fingers as the suds were wet and slippery.

Jimin giggled making Jungkook smile. He loved hearing him laugh. But then Jimin started singing, 'Unchained Melody' from the movie, "Oh my love, my darling, I've hungered for your touch, a long lonely time...." Jungkook's ignited passion was being fueled and he swayed his body into Jimin's back and butt.

Jimin giggled some more but then Jungkook sang the other lines from the verse, "And time goes by, so slowly. And time can do so much..." Then turning his head and lips into Jimin's ears, he sang/whispered the last line for him, "Are you still mine?"

Jimin was so aroused. He felt Jungkook's groin area poking into his butt. Jungkook was turned on just like him. Jimin opened his mouth and started moaning. He could feel Jungkook's hard arousal behind him. They forgot about the shirt and just let their hands down into the sink, washing off the suds on their hands in the tub of water.

Jungkook continued playing with Jimin's fingers as his lips were massaging his neck. Jimin rocked back and moaned louder each time he felt Jungkook's tongue or dick pressing on him.

After nibbling Jimin's ear, Jungkook seductively said, "I think your jeans got dirty too," implying Jimin will have to take it off. However Jimin paused. Jungkook unhooked the button and was about to unzip Jimin's jeans when Jimin said, "Stop!" Jungkook immediately stopped.

Jimin had his head down, he was breathing hard. Jungkook remained where he was just looking at him. Jungkook realised he was trying to control himself just like when they first kissed but this time Jimin was more serious. The situation was different. Then Jimin turned and looking at Jungkook straight into his eyes he began to speak,

"There's nothing I want or need in my life.... except you. I have everything: my family, friends and a great job. But you have made me feel like there was something that I was missing my whole life. I am in love with you, Jeon Jungkook. For that I am certain but I can't live my life wondering or feeling that one day you'll just walk away from me.

What's going to happen if you get angry or sad or disappointed with me about something? Are you gonna leave me again without listening to what I have to say? Are you gonna say hurtful things and just move on, leaving me alone? What if you saw me: talking with another guy? Hugging somebody else? Or if someone kisses me?"

Jungkook went from happy, to sad, to upset, to angry all in one go as Jimin laid down the various scenarios. Jungkook stepped back from him, "Why should someone be kissing you? Why would you allow someone to touch you in a way they should not?" He backed away a little further, "Tae had no right to do that!!" Jungkook shouted much harder than he wanted to with his last statement.

"Why... Why... Why..." Jungkook began pacing the floor and was almost in tears. He didn't want to say anything to hurt Jimin but Jungkook knew he had to say how he felt. He had to tell Jimin the truth. Then he paused and blurted out, "Why did you put yourself in a position for something like that to happen?"

Jimin looked at him, "You're blaming me for what Tae did? Because I trusted him and was trying to be a good friend to him. So am I to blame for trusting people?" Then Jimin thought of something, "Wait. Tell me if I understand you correctly: Do you think I'm too trustworthy and people would take advantage of me?"

Jungkook nodded, "Yes. You believe that everything and everyone is good or they only have good intentions towards you." But then Jimin said, "Well I just have one question for you, Jeon Jungkook." And Jimin looked him straight in his eyes, dead serious, "Do YOU trust me?"

Jungkook froze. Jimin continued, "Let's just say, one day we're walking on the street and I meet a distant cousin or longtime friend you don't know and we embrace. Are you gonna get upset with me? Walk off on me or prevent me from reciprocating a social gesture? Please understand where I'm coming from. I need someone by my side who I know has my back. It's cute when you get a little jealous but not to the point of getting angry or mad at me. I've known for years that Tae had feelings for me. Did I encourage him on? NO! But did I stop our friendship? NO!

Why did I do that Jungkook? Because that's the person I am. When I first saw you, you were hiding behind everyone. What did I do? I came to you and offered you something: a total stranger. That's my nature. You've met my parents, my Nana. You think I should stop being who I am because you got jealous and angry. If you say you love me, well that's who I am. I'm not saying I can't adapt or be more cautious about people's intentions but I can't live the rest of my life walking on egg shells around you."

Jungkook sighed, "Its not that I don't trust you at all Jimin. It's the people around who take advantage of you. That's my main problem: them not you." But Jimin cried, "So why did you run away? Why didn't you face Tae?"

"Because I might've killed him that's why!" Jungkook shouted. "I was so mad at him. I was mad at the both of you. I needed to cool off my head so I ran. Am I going to have to feel guilty all my life for doing that? I hope not. Yes I should've stopped and thought about it. Maybe count to ten or something."

But then Jungkook's voice softened, "I know now that I should've given you the chance to explain what really happened. But then I might've really killed Tae then. I ran because I couldn't believe you would've done something to hurt me." Tears started forming, "I thought.. I thought you secretly had feelings for Tae but I was wrong. I should've protected you. Protected you from getting bullied, from the official, from Tae... but I didn't."

Jungkook rocked back and moved away from him. He stood by the open door looking outside and needing some fresh air. Jimin watched him. Nana was right. Jungkook's ways of dealing with tough situations were different. Maybe that was what worked for him. Jimin would usually face his fears up front but Jungkook needed space and time to refocus his thoughts.

Jimin didn't say a word. He watched Jungkook's back rising and falling heavily as he held on to the door posts. Then Jungkook started crying. His cries hurt Jimin so deeply but still Jimin stayed where he was. Then Jungkook poured out his breaking heart, "I can't lose you. I could never be done with you. I'm sorry I walked out and said those words to you but I can't just be friends with you, Jimin."

Then Jungkook bawled out causing Jimin to shake in fright, "I'M SO SORRY JIMIN! I'M SORRY I HURT YOU! THAT I COULDN'T PREVENT THESE BAD THINGS FROM HAPPENING TO YOU! I'M SORRY... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." And he continued crying.

Jimin was in tears too. He wanted to hug him so badly but he stayed still. Then he heard Nana's voice, 'Jungkook is the protector...' Jimin had let him down. He made Jungkook feel guilty that he didn't protect him from all that happened. Nana's voice continued, '...and Jimin is the saviour....'

Jimin did what he was supposed to do: he ran up to Jungkook and put his arms around him, "Oh Kookie." Jungkook turned around and cried more in his arms. There were no more physical pains in his chest just the remnant of the emotional pains in his heart. They grabbed on to each other and cried letting everything out. "I'm sorry too. I'm so sorry my love," Jimin cried as Jungkook hugged him tighter. They buried their faces in each other's necks.

They stood there for awhile just crying in each other's arms. When their tears had run its course, Jimin wiped both their tears. They looked at each other. Then quietly Jimin held Jungkook's hand, walked outside and took up his bag. Jungkook took up the chair. They carried both items inside and closed the door.


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