Chapter 2

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Ayyyyy! whats up guys? So...I kinda feel bad about last chapter and the "ship" XD. But hey, don't look at me, look at my friend! He's the one that BLINDLY chose the ship. He had all the characters written down on a piece of paper and he put a blindfold on and told me, "I'm about to decide your fate." and I'm like, "oh starclan no..". And you can obviously tell what ship he chose. He literally yeeted his fingers to sabre and me. He was doing his happy dance cuz of the ship AND cuz it was a TOTAL coincidence that the ship was ShadowSabre, and this actually happened when I was still planning the story plot, which was ACTUALLY just 2 DAYS before ShadowSabre was introduced to Rainbow Quest. He actually called and screamed at me (RIP my ears cuz it was loud) "DUDE. SABRE HAS BEEN SPYING ON US!!" Lol. ACK- this is WAYY to long. Sooo....Im just gonna...yeets self out a window

                I grabbed the marshmallows from the cabinet, when I remembered that I needed to check on my songs to see if they were still there. So, I set the bag of marshmallows on the table and I went upstairs, entered my room, and walked over to the chest sitting next to my desk. 

Pulling out the key, I stuck it in the lock and turned the key, unlocking the chest. Inside the chest were both gems, one was glowing a bright red, while the other was glowing a golden color. 'Good, they're still here' Seeing that they were still safe and sound, I closed the chest and locked back up and left my bedroom. I went back downstairs and grabbed the marshmallows off the table and went outside and across the bridge with Autumn behind me. I walked around the edge of the Grand Rainbow Tree of Life to see that Sabre and Lucas were trying to get the fire started while Blue and Rainbow were pushing some logs into place. "I got the marshmallows!" As soon as I said marshmallows, I regretted saying it. 'I regret saying Marshmallows now' 

 Autumn snatched the bag from my hand and ran over to the others happily. I sighed as I followed after her. "Nice! Buttttt...I can't get this frickin fire going!" Lucas growled as he tried igniting the lighter. I bent down beside him and took the lighter from him and shook it. A little flame suddenly popped up at the tip of the lighter and I put the lighter to the wood, getting the fire finally started. "How the heck can she do it but I can't?!" I smiled at him as I sat down next to Sabre who looked baffled at the sight of the fire. "Obviously I can." I glanced at Autumn who appeared at my side with the bag of marshmallows in her mouth as she laid down next to me setting her head down on her black paws. 

I realized that Sabre was supposed to grab the hotdogs, only to see that he did in fact grab them. He handed everyone a hotdog, handing me 2 hotdogs. 1 for me and 1 for Autumn. I thanked him as I began to cook mine and Autumn's hotdog. 

*Time skip brought to you by Time Steve cuz idk what to write for that part! :D*

"Who wants marshmallows now!" Sabre said with glee as he grabbed the bag of marshmallows from in between us. But before he could open them, Lucas snatched the package from him and hugged it gently with a mischievous grin on his face. "If ya want one, you'll have ta fight meh for it." I stood up as I took out my hidden dagger with a knowing grin on my face. "Wanna Bet?" Lucas looked as if he were suddenly terrified of me so he threw the bag back to Sabre who caught it with ease. "Okay okay!" Lucas said as he sat back down next to Rainbow and Blue. Sabre handed us each a Marshmallow. He handed me one and I began to cook it for a minute before it started to become a golden color, so I pulled it away from the fire.

I took a bite of my marshmallow before glancing up at Blue. "Sooo...Shadow, w-where are you from?" I slightly flinched at the Blue Steve's question, but it wasn't enough for everyone to notice, at least it wasn't. "O-oh uhh...I-I'm from Los Aminour." Rainbow and Blue choked on their marshmallows as their eyes widened in shock and excitement. "WAIT, REALLY?!" I stared at Rainbow with a bit of confusion as he shook Blue. "What? Why is it so crazy that Shadow's from Los Aminour? I-I don't get it." Lucas questioned the Steves as they calmed down a bit. "What's so crazy about it?! Los Aminour is the LARGEST STEVE NATION that ever existed! It's every Steve's dream to go there, especially to LIVE there!" Lucas and Sabre both glanced at me as I finished my marshmallow. "Wellll....either way, yes. I'm actually from Los Aminour." 

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