long hugs and kind-of kind-of not flirting

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After that awkward moment they went to sleep. in Y/n's bed. They passed out after reading a few more pages in silence.

Y/n woke up to soft snoring and a warm hug, it was comforting but embarrassing in a way but they couldn't pull away. Not that they physically couldn't but they just didn't want to.

It felt nice to be held, it's something that you never get to enjoy without a partner or maybe if your lucky a close friend. But alas this couldn't last forever so they just closed their eyes again and waited till kaminari woke up

Kami finally woke up after around thirty(30) minutes and smiled down at Y/n who was pressed against his chest 'he's cute when he sleeps' Denki blushed at his own thoughts and took his arms away getting up

Y/n pretended to wake up and stretched yawning "mornin' Denks"

Denki just nodded while going through his side of the closet for his uniform "morning sleeping beauty"

Y/n blushed a bit and got up grabbing his uniform and going to the bathroom to change "you're not funny Denki!"

Denki laughed and changed "I'll wait outside we can walk to class together!" He shouted as he grabed his bag and sat by the door

Y/n hurried out the bathroom, he didn't want to make Kaminari wait too long, grabbing his bag he met Kami by the door

"Ready?" Denki said with a soft smile

Y/n fixed their tie and slung their bag over their shoulder "yup"

Denki opened the door for him as they both walked out. It was a comfortable silence as the two boys walked, both still a tired and just enjoying the company.

"You know you snore when you sleep"

Denki turned to look at Y/n qmd snorts "what no i don't"

Y/n nodded "you definitely do"

Denki fakes a hurt face "excuse me I sleep like an angel!"

Y/n just laughed and rolled his eyes "yeah okay angel face"

Denki poked his friend's wing "your the one with actually wings"

Y/n puffed his feathers "bird wings. Not the same...and wait why are you getting defensive you literally called yourself an angel!"

Denki just stared blankly then snorted "I have nothing to say to that"

Y/n just leaned on him laughing....that wonderful laugh that could brighten anyone's day...that laugh denki wanted to record and listen to for hours...moving on.

Denki smiled at him and side hugged him and they walked, just like that. It felt nice to be close to someone maybe it was the soulmate bond? who knows all that matters is that Y/n liked the closeness and didn't pull away.

They got to class and only then did Kaminari let Y/n go but the feeling of Y/n in Denki's arm still lingered.

They sat down and got ready for class
Boom done. love you, your worth something!
have a great day, night, afternoon, dusk, or dawn

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