13. I love you.

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"Well anyway, congratulations on being released from the hospital, Haruto-kun!" Gojo beamed happily.

You placed the tray of tea in the middle of the table and handed the tea-filled cups to both Haruto and Gojo who sat across each other. "I'm still not quite sure why you're here, Gojo-sensei. Coming over here just to say that is..." You sigh, seating on the other side.

"Of course, I want to see you wearing a kimono too!" He looked at you for a moment before giving a thumbs up, "And coming here was totally worth it!"

You flinched, looking at him suspiciously. "I should probably go change..." You muttered, glancing at the door. In response to you, Gojo shook his head immediately, "No, no, no. I sounded like a creep just now but really, you look good in kimono!" He argued.

"But it's creepy, sensei. You, I mean."

"Aw, why did you suddenly get cold with me?"

"But I-"

Haruto flipped a page from his Shonen Glance after glancing at the both of you, "I hope you didn't forget that I'm still here." He suddenly interrupted. You shut your mouth close, realizing that you were about to say something that you were definitely going to regret. You sigh, mentally thanking Haruto for interrupting you.

You sigh, "We're not going to do any celebration here anyways, you'll get bored staying here." Haruto's eyes widen and looked at you bewildered. "Were not eating out?" You glanced at him confusedly, "You only got out from the hospital. Eat some healthy foods, will you?" Your statement received both a groan of annoyance from Haruto and a playful laugh from Gojo.

"So, are you really going to make a person who just got out from the hospital cook?" he rolled his eyes, sighing disappointedly. You grabbed the empty cup from Gojo and yours then stood up, "Well of course no. You might screw up and make unedible food, I don't wanna risk that." you went towards the sink. "Finish your tea and bring it here."

"I'll cook so just stay still there."

"Show off."

"Then, would you like to come here?"

"Of course not."

A sigh escapes your lips, "Then stop being annoying." Your hands started moving to clean the dishes and then prepare the dinner.

Gojo turned to look at Haruto who still showed disappointment and annoyance in his face and then back to you as a playful smile formed on his lips.

"Haruto-kun, your sister would make a good wife, wouldn't she?"

Haruto looked at him with a bewildered question while you broke a glass, you accidentally let go of. You turned around and looked at your teacher as well, "W-What are you talking about?!" Your face was flushed from embarrassment.

"Just exactly what I said. I mean, [First Name] can cook, can do household chores, pretty, and has a bright personality. Those are the qualities of a wife, right?" He smiled innocently.

Haruto placed his hand on his chin before a mischievous grin form on his lips as well. "Well, why don't you marry her then? She has no friends, never dated anyone, has a bad reputation, and pretty ugly. Gojo-san, you're probably the only one who thinks like that about her." He stated mockingly.

"Do you really have to emphasize that I have no friends?! And why the hell are you revealing some private information about me to my teacher of all people?!" You groan, completely embarrassed and mad. Those two surely get along in a way and it's annoying.

"Ah, I just reminded myself how worried I am if my sister stays alone forever. I won't be able to accompany her every time." Haruto continued, ignoring your remarks. "She never dated anyone even once since nobody liked her because of her bad reputation and ugliness-"

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