"Well ladies, now we have arrived." Said the driver, looking up in the rearview mirror.

"Thank you for the ride." Mom replied, opening the car door. 

I went out.I could hear the noise from the ballroom and it was crowded with people. I took a deep breath and from now until we were home again my mouth would not be opened. Mom stopped and looked at me.

"Straighten your back, and up with your chin," she said, placing a hand on my head. I straightened my back and when she looked away I walked as I used to.

We stepped inside, and as I had expected, everyone was well dressed. There was a bar and the men were already drunk. People were dancing and I was just scanning the place for the nearest chair in a hidden corner. Mom held me tight in her arm.

"Ms. Jackinson! It's been a long time since I've seen you, old man!" Mother greeted a man. I was just trying to look down into the ground, and avoid eye contact with everyone.

"This is my beautiful daughter, Amelie, as you may remember from when she was little," she said, pulling me forward. Oh no..

"Yeah! It's Amelie with her father's eyes. Hey! Then you must know my son, Leo!" The man shouted for one. A boy came forward and the father grabbed him.

"You two go to the same class then, don't you?" My mother asked the boy.

"It could be, 10th grade is great with a lot of people," said a hoarse but also deep voice. I looked up quickly. When yes, Leo Jackson. the popular player from school, who does not know him ..

"It's weird enough that the two go to school together, how old are you, Amelie?" Asked the father. Please let the words come out of my mouth.

"16." I replied shortly. My mom pushed me on my back and I think either that meant well done or that it meant you could well say more.

"Well then, Leo's just turned 18. He's having a big birthday party for his class, were you there?" Asked the father. Of course I was not there - I'm the invisible girl who eats food in the toilet.

"No, I do not think so." I mumbled, looking down at the floor. I could feel him Leo was looking at me - he was probably staring and thinking how quiet and blushing she is.

"it was nice meeting you ms Marila, but I have to go to the others from my class. See you later dad." Leo said, patting the dad on his shoulders. I could feel the heat and redness in my cheeks, which made me even more shy and nervous.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I whispered to my mother. 

I hurried out there and looked in the mirror - true enough, I looked like a red balloon. The nervousness had settled in my face. As if it had given a mark or a tattoo. I put water on my face, trying to cool my face off. I always felt safe out on the toilets, and I had gradually also been out on a number of toilets - and 99% of the reasons I have been out there have been because it is my kind of escapism. I have always had a pencil with me, and then I have drawn a small one "A" on the wall so I could always remember that I was there - and there was already an "A" on this wall.

-t had been about half an hour out here on the toilet - time passed quickly out here, and it was not like out in the ballroom where that one minute felt like an eternity. The door opened and I quickly lifted my legs off the floor so no one could recognize my shoes. - I had experience of hiding out here.

"Amelie! Where are you hiding?" yelled my mother. It was both an angry and a sad yell. I was quiet and I could not bring myself to say anything. But there was only one toilet that was occupied, so she knocked hard on it. I opened slowly.

"Amelie seriously, It can not go on like this. Since you were little I always have to find you out there, why do not you take yourself together?" She shouted. 

She did not used to shout in the way this shouted differently - so more angry.

"What? Why should I be out there? I say nothing, I do nothing and everything is just nothing."

"Grow up. Look around. You can get nothing in the world if you hide from everything challenging. That's not how it works Amelie. Your father was poor when he was born, but he charmed and socialized himself in the world. Think on him when you hide. "she whispered, pointing at me.

"Dad would fucking be proud! He would be able to understand my actions, and not point them all out like you do-"

She interrupted me. "Proud? Do you believe in it yourself? For hell then came out of the bubble of your so-called reality! - he would be embarrassed, and he would hate it."

That was enough. She should not stand and say that father would hate it, and be emberrassed. I had to do something so my mom would regret everything she just said. I am going to do something that normal 16 year olds do. 

I went out to the bar, and looked around me. After all, all adults were drunk, and no one would notice. Mom had once told me about one of my dad's cousins ​​who always drank away his problems - she just had to see what I could come up with.

"What can I do for you, young lady?" The bartender asked."

Uhm .. just the strongest you have." I replied. I had no sense of alcohol, and had never really been interested in it. - I wasnt now either, but I just thought it was a good idea. 

The bartender handed me a large glass with some blue-like liquid. "Here you go, Vodka blue briss star. A mix of vodka, blueberry syrup, rum and a little splash of gin." He explained. 

I did not understand any of what he said, but I accepted it."Thank you, I pay from Ms Marila's house bill." I replied, taking the bottle.

 I went outside and sat down behind the building. There were no people, so I felt safe enough. I took a big sip of the blue liquid and it burned all over my throat. My throat was hot and it was shaking and burning. I took another sip, and another and a third..and finally it was empty.-I was still sitting behind the building. It was cold and my head was spinning uncontrollably. I did not like the feeling and I felt like I was sitting on a carousel. My eyes slowly blackened and suddenly everything was black and my head fell to the ground.-------Thaanks for reading the first chapter which is from Amelies POV. - some of the chapters is going to be Leos POV <3333 byee :)

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